
Reshaping the IT world

February 16, 2012 | Markus Gesmann

During my university time I worked on the IT help desk for a while. One day I received a call from a professor, who said that his printer had stopped working. So I asked him, if there was a message on the display and if he could read it to ...
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googleVis 0.2.14 is released

February 5, 2012 | Markus Gesmann

Version 0.2.14 of the googleVis package was released on CRAN today.ChangesThe help files have been checked against changes of the Google Visualisation API, typos in the vignette have been ironed out (thanks to Pat Burns for pointing them out), a new se...
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Credit rating by country

January 17, 2012 | Markus Gesmann

The financial crisis has put a lot of pressure on countries' long-term foreign currency credit ratings, with France recently being downgraded by S&P. Wikipedia provides a list of countries by credit ratings as report by US rating agencies S&P, Fitch, ...
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Feedback from vignette survey

January 8, 2012 | Markus Gesmann

Many thanks to all who participated in the survey about writing R package vignettes.Following my post last Thursday the responses came in quickly in the evening and all day on Friday. Since Saturday the response rate has been decreasing constantly and ...
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Interactive presentations with deck.js

November 20, 2011 | mages

Data analysis is often an iterative and interactive process. However, when I present about this subject, I feel often limited by the presentation software I use. It doesn't matter if I use LaTeX/PDF, PowerPoint or Keynote. In all cases it is either ver...
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R related books: Traditional vs online publishing

October 12, 2011 | mages

How many R related books have been published so far? Who is the most popular publisher? How many other manuals, tutorials and books have been published online? Let's find out. A few years ago I used the publication list on as an argument ...
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Setting the initial view of a motion chart in R

September 30, 2011 | mages

Following on from my article about accessing and plotting World Bank data with R I want to talk about how to change the initial view of a motion chart.Over the last couple of weeks I have been asked a view times how to do this. For instance Stephen O'G...
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World Tourism Day, and Google Public Data Explore

September 27, 2011 | Julyan Arbel

Today is the World Tourism Day! So let’s speak about some tourism related datasets – and others. Among other nice functions, Google offers a Public Data Explore in a beta version which provides a collection of datasets from OECD, IMF, Eurostat, … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Accessing and plotting World Bank data with R

September 25, 2011 | mages

Over the past couple of days I played around with the data sets of the World Bank, and I have to admit that I am blown away by it. It is amazing, to see what is available on their web site. It is worth visiting their Data Visualisation Tools page. ...
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LondonR, 7 September 2011

September 11, 2011 | mages

On 7 September 2011 I attended the London R user group meeting. It was a very good turn out with about 50 attendees at the Shooting Star, a pub close to Liverpool Street Station. The session started at 18:00 with four presentations, followed by drinks ...
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Including googleVis output into a blogger post

September 11, 2011 | mages

It seems that you cannot include Google Visualisation Charts into a blog post directly.So, I tried to include the output of a googleVis function as a gadget, but also unsuccessful.Although you can include gadgets into your site template, it doesn't see...
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googleVis 0.2.9

September 4, 2011 | mages

We have published googleVis 0.2.9 on CRAN. The new version updates the package for the new features of the Google Visualisation API and brings an new in-page editor option. Here is a simple example, displaying the participants of the R user Conference...
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R and Google Visualization API: Fish harvests

January 17, 2011 | Scott Chamberlain

I recently gathered fish harvest data from the U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administarion (NOAA), which I downloaded from Infochimps. The data is fish harvest by weight and value, by species for 21 years, from 1985 to 2005. Here is a link to a google document of the data I used below: ...
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