
googleVis 0.3.0/0.3.1 is released: It’s faster!

October 23, 2012 | Markus Gesmann

Version 0.3.0 of the googleVis package for R has been released on CRAN on 20 October 2012. With this version we have been able to speed up the code considerably. The transformation of R data frames into JSON works significantly faster. The execution of the gvisMotionChart function in the World Bank demo is ...
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googleVis — NASA’s exploration of Mars

August 29, 2012 | Tony

After generating a few interactive charts with googleVis, I realized that it’s a great way to visualize numeric data, especially multi-dimentional data. Days ago, my colleague sent me a picture taken by Curiosity from Mars. He was crazy about it … Continue reading → [Read more...]

London 2012 Olympics — Medals vs GDP and population

August 25, 2012 | Tony

It’s already midnight. I’m sitting near my bed. And before going to bed, I’ll type my last post on London 2012 Olympics. Olympic games are not only individual competitions, but also the reflections of countries’ strength. This is one reason why Olympics data … Continue reading → [Read more...]

London 2012 Olympics — Men and Women 400-metre medley

August 23, 2012 | Tony

Alan brought up the suspicion to Ye’s world record in women 400 metres individual medley. And I quote: “Her last split caused controversy (deep suspicion of doping) as she swam it faster than the fastest male swimmer. I wonder how commonly this … Continue reading → [Read more...]

London 2012 Olympics — world record in women 400-metre medley

August 22, 2012 | Tony

I’ve been going through the medal statistics in London 2012 Olympics recently. I was planning to present some extra charts, such as medal-per-milli-population or medal-vs-GDP. However, it’s a little boring to present the same kind of charts. Thus, I’d like to look into some particular … Continue reading → [Read more...]

London 2012 Olympics — Medals per event

August 21, 2012 | Tony

It’s almost midnight. Before I go sleeping, I’d like to post the chart about ”medals per event” on 2012 Olympics. As some visitors suggested, I searched for the competition information for each athlete. Finally, thankful to the mighty Guardian datablog, I find the … Continue reading → [Read more...]

London 2012 Olympics — Medals per hundred players

August 19, 2012 | Tony

It’s the weekend. I just woke up from a nap. Got my mind freshed. I’d like to continue with my digging into the Olympics medal results. Today, I cited the number of participants from each country (see wikipedia). I want to see how … Continue reading → [Read more...]

London 2012 Olympics — Lead, tin and zinc

August 17, 2012 | Tony

Folks at WSJ were funny. They gave another medal list of London 2012 Olympic Games, not for the first place but for the last place. They replaced Gold, Silver and Bronze with  Lead, Tin and Zinc. No matter who came up to this idea, it’s … Continue reading → [Read more...]

London 2012 Olympics — medal statistics

August 14, 2012 | Tony

The 2012 Olympic Games officially ended this Sunday in London. Although I missed most of the games, I was still entertaining myself with some hilarious news, such as Thomas’s re-diving. So much fun. I would remember this for years :) Games ended. … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Rook rocks! Example with googleVis

August 1, 2012 | Markus Gesmann

What is Rook?Rook is a web server interface for R, written by Jeffrey Horner, the author of rApache and brew. But unlike other web frameworks for R, such as brew, R.rsp (which I have used in the past1), Rserve, gWidgetWWWW or sumo (which I haven't used...
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googleVis — where did SYTYCD dancers come from?

July 21, 2012 | Tony

After watching 20 wonderful dancers of the 9th season of So You Think You Can Dance, I have presented a geomap of  the states where they are coming from (click here). Now, I am interested to this show’s history.  I’d like to re-draw the … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Applying a function successively in R

July 3, 2012 | Markus Gesmann

At the R in Finance conference Paul Teetor gave a fantastic talk about Fast(er) R Code. Paul mentioned the common higher-order function Reduce, which I hadn't used before. Reduce allows me to apply a function successively over a vector. What does that...
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SYTYCD — where are these terrific dancers come from?

June 29, 2012 | Tony

It’s Saturday midnight and I’m already sleepy. However, after several hours, I finally got this google geographic map embedded in my post. Aha!!! This is about 20 finalists from the 9th season of So You Think You Can Dance. I count the states … Continue reading → [Read more...]
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