
Bonds Risk and Return by Rating

June 27, 2011 | klr

As an extension to the Bond Market as a Casino Game series and Historical Sources of Bond Returns-Comparison of Daily to Monthly, I thought a ggplot of risk and return by decade and Moody’s Rating might be helpful.  Anyone who has read those oth...
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R Exercise with USDA Data

May 4, 2011 | klr

After the helpful comment by Bradley on my post Commodity Index Estimators, How about the National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS)? Looks like they have information for prices received back to 1908 for many agricultural goods (http://www.nass.u...
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Further Adventures in Visualisation with ggplot2

April 25, 2011 | hayward

So I previously took a look at some data of player performance from a computer game. In this post, I’m going to do some further visualisations using ggplot2. The data consists of different types of player character, different roles for those characters, and their overall damage output (the unit ... [Read more...]

Sexy, Geeky Graphs using ggplot2 in R

April 22, 2011 | hayward

So I’ve been looking for some data to play with while learning R, other than the data I’m analysing for various experiments and papers I’m working on. I thought to myself, “Hey, this R stuff is pretty geeky. Can I engage in a higher level of geekiness?” ... [Read more...]

Historical Sources of Bond Returns

April 11, 2011 | klr

As promised in Monitoring Sources of Bond Return, we can show more history if we use CPI instead of expected inflation (from the TIP inflation breakeven yield).  Here are the results with history back to 1953. From TimelyPortfolio However, mo...
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Monitoring Sources of Bond Return

April 8, 2011 | klr

Here is a way to monitor bond return sources in R.  In the next iteration, I will use CPI to add history to the series. From TimelyPortfolio So right now, you can expect about a 5% return from bonds.  How much of that is real return is u...
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The housing bubble by city

March 17, 2011 | dan

The housing bubble by city. Miami sailed high and fell far. Detroit rose modestly and but dropped more than it went up. Dallas held steady. DC is enjoying a bit of renewed growth, but are in and New York yet to fall? [Read more...]

Parsing and plotting time series data

January 15, 2011 | csgillespie

This morning I came across a post which discusses the differences between scala, ruby and python when trying to analyse time series data. Essentially, there is a text file consisting of times in the format HH:MM and we want to get an idea of its distribution. Tom discusses how ...
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Plotting Time Series data using ggplot2

September 30, 2010 | Ralph

There are various ways to plot data that is represented by a time series in R. The ggplot2 package has scales that can handle dates reasonably easily. Fast Tube by Casper As an example consider a data set on the number of views of the you tube channel ramstatvid. A ...
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Clustergram: visualization and diagnostics for cluster analysis (R code)

June 15, 2010 | Tal Galili

About Clustergrams In 2002, Matthias Schonlau published in “The Stata Journal” an article named “The Clustergram: A graph for visualizing hierarchical and . As explained in the abstract: In hierarchical cluster analysis dendrogram graphs are used to visualize how clusters are formed. I propose an alternative graph named “clustergram” to examine how ... [Read more...]

Displaying data using level plots

May 3, 2010 | Ralph

A level plot is a type of graph that is used to display a surface in two rather than three dimensions – the surface is viewed from above as if we were looking straight down and is an alternative to a contour plot – geographic data is an example of where this ...
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Summarising data using box and whisker plots

April 25, 2010 | Ralph

A box and whisker plot is a type of graphical display that can be used to summarise a set of data based on the five number summary of this data. The summary statistics used to create a box and whisker plot are the median of the data, the lower and ...
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