
Hangman in R: A learning experience

July 28, 2012 | tylerrinker

I love when people take a sophisticated tool and use it to play video games. Take R for example. I first saw someone create a game for R at My friend Dason inspired me to more efficiently waste time … Continue reading →
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Wasting away again in Martingaleville

December 1, 2011 | Matt Asher

Alright, I better start with an apology for the title of this post. I know, it’s really bad. But let’s get on to the good stuff, or, perhaps more accurately, the really frightening stuff. The plot shown at the top of this post is a simulation of the ... [Read more...]

The fun Package: Use R for Fun!

August 16, 2011 | Yihui Xie

A couple of days ago we released a package named fun to CRAN, but I did not dare to send an announcement to as usual. This package is a collection of some classical computer games (e.g. the Mine sweeper and Five in a row) as well ... [Read more...]

Dicetributions – episode I

May 29, 2011 | infominer

Suppose the following game with two players: In every round, the two players pick a random number, each. Instead of using a dice, they pick a number from an interval. Player A picks a number from [9,11] and player B from [8,12]. Variation 1. The greater number wins. Who is more likely to ... [Read more...]

Smaller or greater? – episode II

May 20, 2011 | infominer

In a previous post I introduced the following game: Suppose you play the following game: Someone holds a set of cards with the numbers {1,2,…,N} in random order, opens up the first card and asks if the next card is greater or smaller. Every time you predict correctly, you get ... [Read more...]

100 Prisoners, 100 lines of code

July 9, 2010 | Matt Asher

In math and economics, there is a long, proud history of placing imaginary prisoners into nasty, complicated scenarios. We have, of course, the classic Prisoner’s Dilemma, as well as 100 prisoners and a light bulb. Add to that list the focus of this post, 100 prisoners and 100 boxes. In this game, ...
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