
Review: Kölner R Meeting 6 July 2012

July 10, 2012 | Markus Gesmann

The second Cologne R user meeting took place last Friday, 6 July 2012, at the Institute of Sociology. Thanks to Bernd Weiß, who provided the meeting room, we didn't have to worry about the infrastructure, like we did at our first gathering. Again, we ...
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Text Editors in The Lord of the Rings

July 29, 2011 | kjhealy

Prompted by a passing thought about TextMate, I thought I’d make a comprehensive, accurate, unbiased, and irrefutable survey of text editors by way of comparison to locations in The Lord of the Rings. TextMate: Minas Tirith A quiet, long-overlooked land populated by simple folk who keep mostly to themselves. ... [Read more...]

The foundations of Statistics: a simulation-based approach

July 11, 2011 | xi'an

“We have seen that a perfect correlation is perfectly linear, so an imperfect correlation will be `imperfectly linear’.” page 128 This book has been written by two linguists, Shravan Vasishth and Michael Broe, in order to teach statistics “in  areas that are traditionally not mathematically demanding” at a deeper level than ... [Read more...]

Workflow Articles in “The Political Methodologist”

April 1, 2011 | kjhealy

I’ve written a few times before about how to choose the software you work with, and what you should and should not care about when making those choices. I maintain a page with various resources related to this, if you’re interested, most notably the Emacs Starter Kit for ... [Read more...]

R GUIs, IDEs, and text editors

January 18, 2011 | Daniel Hocking

When deciding what program to write your R code in it is important to consider a number of factors so you can keep organized and work efficiently.  I found this article useful for getting started.  Text editors include syntax highlightin...
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Rd2roxygen: Convert Rd to roxygen documentation

December 1, 2010 | Yihui Xie

must admit that I have been tired of maintaining my R packages for a long time, and the main reason is I feel really uncomfortable with writing R documentations (Rd). The required structure of an R package mainly includes two directories R and man — the former for the R source ... [Read more...]

Monitoring Productivity Experiment

October 20, 2010 | al3xandr3

For over a year now, i've been collecting how much time i spend in computer and how much of it is actually used in creative/productive activities. By productive activity i mean that the time spent in text editor(emacs), terminal, excel or a datab... [Read more...]

using R + ess-remote with screen in emacs

July 11, 2010 | Vinh Nguyen

Dear list, I brought up this issue before but a good solution never arised: being able to use screen on a remote server (so if something goes wrong on my side I can always resume that R session) inside of emacs in order to utilize ESS. The closest thing I ... [Read more...]

Sweave with Emacs and ESS, problem solved!

May 9, 2010 | Shige

With help from Seb, the nagging problem I had when trying to sweaving with Emacs and ESS (http://old.nabble.com/ESS-and-Sweave-td28339734.html) has been solved.First of all, apply the patch for ess-swv.el, provided by Seb. Second, set the default ...
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Emacs Key Binding for eval-defun in lisp-mode

September 22, 2009 | erikr

When I use R in Emacs through the ESS package, C-c C-c in a .R buffer will send a “block” of code to the inferior R process for evaluation. This was added just a few years ago, but my fingers are now trained to use that key combination for evaluating ... [Read more...]

Emacs: AucTeX + Rubber + Sweave

May 30, 2009 | Vinh Nguyen

I got rubber to work with auctex and sweave (Rnw) files with the help of this. Basically, combined with my other stuff, I tweaked my .emacs file to look like: ;;following is AucTeX with Sweave -- works ;;http://andreas.kiermeier.googlepages.com/essmaterials (setq TeX-file-extensions '("Snw" "Rnw" "nw" "tex" "... [Read more...]

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