
Analyze Gold Demand and Investments using R

June 29, 2010 | C

After the recent foray into stock analysis using quantmod, I thought it worthwhile to mention that the library can be used to analyze a wide variety of investments, including precious metals.  It is also worthwhile to mention that there are other ...
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Occupational Wage Comparison Plotted in R

June 17, 2010 | C

Ever have conversations with your kids about what they are going to do with their life? Still trying to figure out what you are going to do with yours?Best to not starve...The chart above represents the percentage of each occupation that earn a given h...
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Tipping heuristics

April 28, 2010 | dan

INCREDIBLY SIMPLE CALCULATIONS MADE SIMPLE Yes, we all know how to calculate 15% or 20% exactly, but it’s fun to use tipping heuristics and even more fun to make crowded graphs of how they compare to each other. (Sorry for the junky chart. Open for suggestions, in the words of Tom ... [Read more...]

The Price of Calculation

March 15, 2010 | John Myles White

In a world in which the price of calculation continues to decrease rapidly, but the price of theorem proving continues to hold steady or increase, elementary economics indicates that we ought to spend a larger and larger fraction of our time on calculation.1 Over the next ten years, I hope ... [Read more...]

Another Visualization of Unemployment

December 24, 2009 | Diego

One of the problems with choropleths is that, as explained by Hadley Wickham in this presentation, big states tend to draw more attention because of their size, but they also tend to have a low population Density. For example, Mexico City, the capital ... [Read more...]

Visualizing Unemployment in Mexico

December 22, 2009 | Diego

What has been the impact of the economic crisis on employment? And how has it affected the different regions of Mexico? To answer the questions the first step was to obtain the unemployment data from the Banco de Información Económica at the INEGI. ... [Read more...]
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