
R GUIs, IDEs, and text editors

January 18, 2011 | Daniel Hocking

When deciding what program to write your R code in it is important to consider a number of factors so you can keep organized and work efficiently.  I found this article useful for getting started.  Text editors include syntax highlightin...
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A lightweight object browser for R

January 15, 2011 | Luke Miller

Get access to a simple object browser in R so that you can see what variables, data frames, model objects and other junk you have in memory currently. If you don't want to install a full-fledged integrated development environment, this option may be fo... [Read more...]

R Workflow

December 7, 2010 | Daniel Hocking

When working with R you end up using a large number of datasets, packages, functions, objects, output files, workspaces, etc.  It can get a bit overwhelming trying to keep everything organized.  That is why a consistent, well-organized workf...
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Sorting out Sweave in Eclipse/StatET

November 29, 2010 | Luke Miller

Using Sweave to produce pretty-looking documentation for R is awfully handy. It takes a little tweaking to get set up in Eclipse and StatET though. I followed the information in Jeromy Anglim’s webpage to originally get Sweave set up. The followi... [Read more...]

Altering Eclipse user name

November 29, 2010 | Luke Miller

Using StatET’s code generation templates is handy, but the standard Eclipse variable for ${user} just inserts the currently logged-in user’s account name. If you want a different name to appear when ${user} is called, one method is to alter... [Read more...]

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