
AQP Kick-Start

March 27, 2012 | dylan

A fun kick-starter for anyone interested in working with soil profile data in R, via AQP. See in-line comments for details. Up next, profile slicing and aggregation. read more [Read more...]

Dissimilarity Between Soil Profiles: A Closer Look

March 23, 2012 | dylan

Continuing the previous discussion of pair-wise dissimilarity between soil profiles, the following demonstration (code, comments, and figures) further elaborates on the method. A more in-depth discussion of this example will be included as a vignette w... [Read more...]

AQP / soilDB Demo: Dueling Dendrograms

March 14, 2012 | dylan

Previously, soil profile comparison methods from the aqp package only took into account horizon-level attributes. As of last week the profile_compare() function can now accommodate horizon and site-level attributes. In other words, it is now possible t... [Read more...]

Logistic Power Peak (LPP) Simulated Soil Profiles

November 12, 2011 | dylan

A friend of mine recently published a very interesting article on the pedologic interpretation of asymetric peak functions fit to soil profile data (Myers et al., 2011). I won't bother summarizing or paraphrasing the article here, as the original artic... [Read more...]

Soil Series Query for SoilWeb

September 16, 2011 | dylan

A map depicting the spatial distribution of a given soil series can be very useful when working on a new soil survey, updating an old one, or searching for specific soil characteristics. We have recently added a soil series query facility to SoilWeb, w... [Read more...]

Importing Weather Data from Wunderground

May 9, 2011 | dylan

Wunderground Example The Wunderground.com website offers several creative interfaces to current and historic weather information. One of the more interesting features is the URL-based interface to personal weather stations. As far as I can tell, the Wu... [Read more...]

GEOSTAT 2011 — Canberra

April 18, 2011 | dylan

Just got back from the 2011 GEOSTAT summer school that recently took place in Canberra, Australia. Thanks to Tom Hengl for the invitation to co-teach the course, to the great folks at ANU who made it possible, and to all of the students who participat... [Read more...]
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