
Genome annotation with NCBI2R

November 18, 2012 | Andrea Pedretti

It's very convenient manage data with R: you can import your dataset, you could find many packages which respond to your needs, then you could plot your results. However it could be very bothersome retrieve the data from online databases. … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Association Rule Learning and the Apriori Algorithm

September 26, 2012 | Wesley

Association Rule Learning (also called Association Rule Mining) is a common technique used to find associations between many variables. It is often used by grocery stores, retailers, and anyone with a large transactional databases. It’s the same way that Target knows your pregnant or when you’re buying an ... [Read more...]

Data Frames and Transactions

September 24, 2012 | Wesley

Transactions are a very useful tool when dealing with data mining.  It provides a way to mine itemsets or rules on datasets. In R the data must be in transactions form.  If the data is only available in a data.frame then to create (or coerce) the data frame to ... [Read more...]

GEO database: curation lagging behind submission?

August 30, 2010 | nsaunders

I was reading an old post that describes GEOmetadb, a downloadable database containing metadata from the GEO database. We had a brief discussion in the comments about the growth in GSE records (user-submitted) versus GDS records (curated datasets) over time. Below, some quick and dirty R code to examine the ... [Read more...]

Choosing an SQL Engine for Analytics

March 9, 2009 | JD Long

I’ve been struggling for a while on which database to use for my working data. I used to use MS Access quite a lot. The problems with MS Access include but are not limited to: 2 GB file size limit, at least historically Versions change with each edition of MS ...
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