
More Dabblings With Local Sentencing Data

December 1, 2011 | Tony Hirst

In Accessing and Visualising Sentencing Data for Local Courts I posted a couple of quick ways in to playing with Ministry of Justice sentencing data for the period July 2010-June 2011 at the local court level. At the end of the post, I wondered about how to wrangle the data in ... [Read more...]

R 101: The Subset Function

November 9, 2011 | Abraham Mathew

The subset function is available in base R and can be used to return subsets of a vector, martix, or data frame which meet a particular condition. In my three years of using R, I have repeatedly used the subset() function and believe that it is the most useful tool ... [Read more...]

Power Tools for Aspiring Data Journalists: R

October 31, 2011 | Tony Hirst

Picking up on Paul Bradshaw’s post A quick exercise for aspiring data journalists which hints at how you can use Google Spreadsheets to grab – and explore – a mortality dataset highlighted by Ben Goldacre in DIY statistical analysis: experience the thrill of touching real data, I thought I’d describe ... [Read more...]

Show me your WAR face!

October 24, 2011 | hawkhandler

Below is a chart of the top 20 offensive players based on FanGraphs WAR for the 2011 season.  The various features and their corresponding metric are clear in the image. I’ve also included the leader and last place for each … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Shipping Mix

October 20, 2011 | john.nelson

With a fresh pile of historical global shipping data, we came back to the flow visualizations that illustrated tangible supply lines that facilitate global trade.  This time we've isolated two types of shipping vessels, cargo and tanker, in order ...
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How does Matt kemp become Andre Dawson?

October 18, 2011 | hawkhandler

While reading this article over at Fangraphs I was inspired to ask myself “what would Matt Kemp have to do between now and then end of his career to be seriously considered for the Hall of Fame?”.  This question comes … Continue reading → [Read more...]

R Tools for FEC Campaign Finance Disclosure Data

October 17, 2011 | chris compeau

For my first contribution to the blog, I wanted to make some kind of enlightening visualization of campaign finance disclosure data from the Federal Election Commission’s website. It looks like they’re working on some new, easy-to-use data dumps here, but … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Modelling with R: part 2

October 2, 2011 | MK

I apologize for the delay in the second post (just in case anybody was waiting), I had been vary involved with work the past week. I shall try to be more regular. Well, in the previous post, we successfully imported data into R and got a basic "feel" o...
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Modelling with R: part 1

September 29, 2011 | MK

When I started work about 3 months ago, I didn't know much more than loading data and executing standard Econometric commands in R. But now I feel much much much more confident in using R for work, for research, for puzzles, and sometimes just for fun....
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craps 0.1

September 22, 2011 | hawkhandler

The following script simulates a craps game in R any number of iterations with any starting amount of cash and any maximum odds and running until the user is out of cash.  It assumes a specific betting strategy as explained … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Real-time data collection and analysis in class

August 28, 2011 | bayesianbiologist

As September draws nearer, my mind inevitably turns away from my lofty (and largely unmet) summer research goals, and toward teaching.  This semester I will be trying out a teaching technique using live data collection and analysis as a tool to encourage student engagement.  The idea is based on the ... [Read more...]

Anonymising data

August 23, 2011 | richierocks

There are only three known jokes about statistics in the whole universe, so to complete the trilogy (see here and here for the other two), listen up: Three statisticians are on a train journey to a conference, and they get chatting to three epidemiologists who are also going to the ... [Read more...]
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