
new R package : ant

September 8, 2009 | romain francois

The ant package has been released to CRAN yesterday. As discussed in previous posts in this blog (here and here), the ant R package provides an R-aware version of the ant build tool from the apache project. The package contains an R script that c... [Read more...]

packages and CRANtastic

August 24, 2009 | Nick Horton

Additional functionality in R is added through packages, which consist of libraries of bundled functions, datasets, examples and help files that can be downloaded from CRAN (the Comprehensive R Archive Network). The function install.packages() or the w...
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Baby steps with RSRuby in Rails

May 20, 2009 | nsaunders

Plotting and charting libraries for Ruby (on Rails) abound. However, few are sophisticated enough for scientists and many are not actively maintained. Plotting in R, on the other hand, is about as sophisticated as it comes. Can we bridge Ruby and R? Yes we can, thanks to Alex Gutteridge’s ...
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An R Wiki

April 21, 2008 | nsaunders

It’s been ages since I visited the R website, so I don’t know how long they’ve had a wiki. It’s built using DokuWiki, one of my personal favourites. This is a great leap forward for R documentation, which is somewhat notorious for being (a) difficult to ... [Read more...]
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