
R package DOSE released

June 12, 2011 | ygc

Disease Ontology (DO) provides an open source ontology for the integration of biomedical data that is associated with human disease. DO analysis can lead to interesting discoveries that deserve further clinical investigation. DOSE was designed for semantic similarity measure and enrichment analysis. Read More: 619 Words Totally [Read more...]

clusterProfiler in Bioconductor 2.8

March 26, 2011 | R on Guangchuang Yu

In recently years, high-throughput experimental techniques such as microarray and mass spectrometry can identify many lists of genes and gene products. The most widely used strategy for high-throughput data analysis is to identify different gene clusters based on their expression profiles. Another commonly used approach is to annotate these genes ... [Read more...]


October 12, 2010 | R on Guangchuang Yu

It is very common to cluster genes based on their expression profiles, and also very common to integrate Gene Ontology to observe the distribution of biological processes, molecular functions and cellular components for a given gene list. But, what if the two in combination? The Gene Ontology distributions across a ... [Read more...]

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