
BSE Bhavcopy with Delivery Quantity

July 24, 2011 | Market Analyzer

One of my TI forum members IV had a requirement for BSE Quotes along with Delivery Quantity. This made me implement "merge" function of R coding (thanks to the great work done by people behind various packages and guidance available on R Mailing lists)...
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Extracting EOD Data from BSE

July 19, 2011 | Market Analyzer

Earlier, I had worked around to download Bhavcopy from NSE. Now, I would make a similar attempt to download the BSE BhavcopyObjective: Download Bhavcopy (Equity) from and save only relevant columns Date, Symbol, Name, Open, High...
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Extracting EOD Data from NSE

July 19, 2011 | Market Analyzer

My prime interest being the Indian financial markets, the first step would be to get the data to play around. NSE India provides EOD of data as bhavcopies. The same are stored as zipped files at their servers. Downloading them one by one for a larger t...
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