
How did I make this plot?

April 9, 2011 | Tony Cookson

To make this plot, I used R's plot(), points() and lines() commands. If you have been wanting to learn how to plot in R, watch it unfold in this video tutorial:Also, here's the code I used:
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Basic Plots in R

March 7, 2011 | Tony Cookson

Here's a tutorial I recorded on producing basic plots in R.I lost the script file I used to create the video to a horrifying black screen of death, but I used the data from the previous post (available here). Hopefully, the video is clear enough that ...
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Running a Regression in R

February 28, 2011 | Tony Cookson

I created another video tutorial on R. This time, I discuss R's lm() command and how to use it for a variety of standard applications.Here is the code that goes with the video:Enjoy!
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Tutorial on Distributions in R

February 25, 2011 | Tony Cookson

Here's a video tutorial I put together to go over how to generate a random sample from one of the commonly known parametric distributions in R.Along the way, I also discuss how some of the properties of estimators are reflected in the computations I pe...
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Delete rows from R data frame

October 8, 2009 | heuristicandrew

Deleting rows from a data frame in R is easy by combining simple operations. Let’s say you are working with the built-in data set airquality and need to remove rows where the ozona is NA (also called null, blank or missing). The method is a conce... [Read more...]

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