, a new community site for R

As recently as a couple of years ago, finding information about R in the Web was hard. Other than the canonical content and mailing list archives at the official R project site,, there wasn't too much else dedicated to R on the web -- and what was there was hard to find on Google … Continue reading

Welcome guest blogger, Joseph Rickert

I'm about to head out for a two-week holiday, so I'll be off the grid for a little while. But I have queued up some (hopefully!) interesting stories to auto-post while I'm away, so there'll still be plenty to read every weekday as usual here on the blog. Also joining us for the next couple of … Continue reading

R 2.11.1 released

It's official: R 2.11.1 is out. Source code and binaries for Windows and MacOS are available at the master CRAN mirror, and will be available for download from your local mirror soon.As anticipated, this is an update release focussing mainly on bugfixes and with just one new feature. According to … Continue reading

R 2.11.1 scheduled for May 31

As announced by the R Core Team, the next update to R will be 2.11.1 to be released on May 31. Despite being a minor-minor version increment, this release is expected to sport at least one new feature: BIC (in package stats4) will work with multiple fitted models, like AIC does. There will also … Continue reading

Revolution’s 2010 roadmap

As part of all the news from yesterday, we also announced our vision and roadmap for the Revolution R product line for 2010. You can see a short summary of our vision in this two-minute video, or see more details in the roadmap whitepaper available for download. But here's a quick overview of our … Continue reading

Revolution R Enterprise now free to academics

Unlike Revolution R Community which is 100% free to everyone, our commercial-grade Revolution R Enterprise distribution bundles R with proprietary components from our development team, which are normally available only to paying subscribers. (Those subscriptions are the way we get income to keep … Continue reading

REvolution R Community 3.2 now available

REvolution R Community, REvolution's free distribution based on R from the R Project, has been updated to version 3.2 and is now available for download for Windows and MacOS. Some features of this release include:Upgraded R engine. This release is based on R 2.10.1, the latest release (as of this … Continue reading

R 2.11.0 scheduled for April 22

Announced this morning on the r-announce mailing list is the impending release of R 2.11.0, scheduled for April 22. As usual, the release soon goes into a beta-test phase, with updated sources to be available on the 22nd and binaries to follow a few days … Continue reading