What’s Artificial Intelligence all about?

February 13, 2025 | Tomer Zipori

Setup library(tidyverse) # As always library(MASS) # Sampling from a multivariate distributions library(plotly) # For 3D plots OK, but what is AI actually about? Over the past two summers, I taught a statistics and research methods course to psychology students. Generally speaking, these students tend to be a little intimidated ...
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Hitting web APIs with {httr2} in R workshop

February 13, 2025 | Dariia Mykhailyshyna

Join our workshop on Hitting web APIs with {httr2} in R , which is a part of our workshops for Ukraine series!  Here’s some more info:  Title: Hitting web APIs with {httr2} in R  Date: Thursday, March 13th, 18:00 – 20:00 CET (Rome, Berlin, Paris timezone)  Speaker: Ted Laderas is the Director of ... [Read more...]

Two Way Repeated Measures ANOVA in R

February 13, 2025 | MD TOUHIDUL ISLAM

Two-way repeated measures ANOVA is a powerful statistical test used to analyze datasets where two within-subject factors (independent variables) are measured multiple times for each subject. This test helps determine if there are significant differences between groups over time or across different conditions while accounting for individual variability. In this ...
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Lazy introduction to laziness in R

February 12, 2025 | Posts on R-hub blog

In the programming world, laziness can often be a good thing: it is both a human quality that can motivate automation efforts, and a programming concept that avoids wasting resources such as memory. Now, when reading code or documentation, seeing the w... [Read more...]

Book Review – Pandas Workout

February 12, 2025 | Jonathan Carroll

Python seems to be everywhere these days, and I’m really into learning languages, so it should come as no surprise that I’m learning a lot of Python. This post serves as a review of Pandas Workout as well as a ‘first impression’ review of the Pandas a...
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Is CRAN Holding R Back?

February 12, 2025 | Ari Lamstein

Today the R package acs was recently “archived” from CRAN. This led to the choroplethr package (which I maintain) also being “archived”. I write “archived” in quotes because CRAN stands for “Comprehensive R Archive Network”: everything on it is part of an archive and it appears that nothing is ever ... [Read more...]

A First Look at TimeGPT using nixtlar

February 11, 2025 | Joseph Rickert

This post is a first look at Nixtla’s TimeGPT generative, pre-trained transformer for time series forecasting using the nixtlar R package. As described in Garza et al. (2021), TimeGPT is a Transformer-based time series model with self-atten...
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Bootstrap vs Standard Error Confidence Intervals

February 10, 2025 | R on Jason Bryer

During a recent class a student asked whether bootstrap confidence intervals were more robust than confidence intervals estimated using the standard error (i.e. \(SE = \frac{s}{\sqrt{n}}\)). In order to answer this question I wrote a function to simulate taking a bunch of random samples from a population, ... [Read more...]

Kerning and Kerning in a Widening Gyre

February 6, 2025 | R on kieranhealy.org

This post summarizes an extended period of deep annoyance. I have tried to solve the problem it describes more than once before and not quite done it. This has, in fact, happened again. I have still not satisfactorily solved the problem. But this time I know why I can’t ... [Read more...]

Setting up VScode for R and Cline

February 6, 2025 | Bluecology blog

Setting up VScode for R and Cline Cline lets you create and run entire workflows via using prompts to a large language model. Its not widely used in the R community yet, but I expect it will be soon. You can create your entire R project, interpret the... [Read more...]

Simpson’s Paradox in a Logistic Regression

February 6, 2025 | Nina Zumel

Simpson’s paradox is when a trend that is present in various groups of data seems to disappear or even reverse when those groups are combined. One sees examples of this often in things like medical trials, and the phenomenon is generally due to ...
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Inflation in mediaeval China

February 5, 2025 | datascienceconfidential - r

In this post, I would like to draw attention to a very interesting data set collected by Guan, Palma and Wu as part of the replication package for their paper The rise and fall of paper money in Yuan China, 1260-1368. The paper describes inflation, mon...
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