Introduction to Interpretable Machine Learning in R

September 10, 2024 | Dariia Mykhailyshyna

Join our workshop on Introduction to Interpretable Machine Learning in R, which is a part of our workshops for Ukraine series!  Here’s some more info:  Title: Introduction to Interpretable Machine Learning in R Date: Thursday, October 10th, 18:00 – 20:00 CEST (Rome, Berlin, Paris timezone)  Speaker: Andreas Hofheinz, Andreas is a Data ... [Read more...]

PowerQuery Puzzle solved with R

September 10, 2024 | Numbers around us

#215–216PuzzlesAuthor: ExcelBIAll files (xlsx with puzzle and R with solution) for each and every puzzle are available on my Github. Enjoy.Puzzle #215Today we have to do something that I really don’t like to do: constructing tables with esthetical stru...
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How to webscrape in R?

September 9, 2024 | Ponne, Bruno

In this lesson you will learn the basics of webscraping with the rvest R package. To demonstrate how it works, you will extract three speeches by Adolf Hitler from Wikipedia pages and analyze their word frequencies! 1. What is webscraping? Simply ...
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Please Version Data

September 9, 2024 | John Mount

Introduction An important goal of our Win Vector LLC teaching offerings is to instill in engineers some familiarity with, and empathy for, how data is likely to be used for analytics and business. Having such engineers in your organization greatly increases the quality of the data later available to your […]
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R Solution for Excel Puzzles

September 9, 2024 | Numbers around us

Puzzles no. 534–538PuzzlesAuthor: ExcelBIAll files (xlsx with puzzle and R with solution) for each and every puzzle are available on my Github. Enjoy.Puzzle #534Palindromes and other symetric numbers are pretty common them of our challenges, but this t...
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Mind reader game, and Unicode symbols

September 8, 2024 | Jerry Tuttle

Mind reader game, and Unicode symbols, by Jerry Tuttle Perhaps you've seen this Mind Reader game? Think of a two-digit positive whole number, such as 54. Subtract each of the two digits from your number, such as 54 - 5 - 4 = 45, and call 45 the RES...
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JSON, NULL values and as_tibble

September 6, 2024 |

When working with data provided by common APIs you will almost always get in contact with JSON formatted data. Using R’s rjson::fromJSON will transform JSON to R’s lists. So far so good. Converting those lists to tibble using tibble::as_tib... [Read more...]
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