Generating Synthetic Data Sets with ‘synthpop’ in R

[This article was first published on R – Daniel Oehm | Gradient Descending, and kindly contributed to R-bloggers]. (You can report issue about the content on this page here)
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Synthpop – A great music genre and an aptly named R package for synthesising population data. I recently came across this package while looking for an easy way to synthesise unit record data sets for public release. The goal is to generate a data set which contains no real units, therefore safe for public release and retains the structure of the data. From which, any inference returns the same conclusion as the original. This will be a quick look into synthesising data, some challenges that can arise from common data structures and some things to watch out for.

Sythesising data

This example will use the same data set as in the synthpop documentation and will cover similar ground, but perhaps an abridged version with a few other things that weren’t mentioned. The SD2011 contains 5000 observations and 35 variables on social characteristics of Poland. A subset of 12 of these variables are considered.

mycols <- c("darkmagenta", "turquoise")
options(xtable.floating = FALSE)
options(xtable.timestamp = "")
myseed <- 20190110
# filtering the dataset
original.df <- SD2011 %>% dplyr::select(sex, age, socprof, income, marital, depress, sport, nofriend, smoke, nociga, alcabuse, bmi)
##      sex age          socprof income marital depress sport nofriend smoke
## 1 FEMALE  57          RETIRED    800 MARRIED       6    NO        6    NO
## 2   MALE  20 PUPIL OR STUDENT    350  SINGLE       0    NO        4    NO
## 3 FEMALE  18 PUPIL OR STUDENT     NA  SINGLE       0    NO       20    NO
## 4 FEMALE  78          RETIRED    900 WIDOWED      16   YES        0    NO
## 5 FEMALE  54    SELF-EMPLOYED   1500 MARRIED       4   YES        6   YES
## 6   MALE  20 PUPIL OR STUDENT     -8  SINGLE       5    NO       10    NO
##   nociga alcabuse      bmi
## 1     -8       NO 30.79585
## 2     -8       NO 23.44934
## 3     -8       NO 18.36547
## 4     -8       NO 30.46875
## 5     20       NO 20.02884
## 6     -8       NO 23.87511

The objective of synthesising data is to generate a data set which resembles the original as closely as possible, warts and all, meaning also preserving the missing value structure. There are two ways to deal with missing values 1) impute/treat missing values before synthesis 2) synthesise the missing values and deal with the missings later. The second option is generally better since the purpose the data is supporting may influence how the missing values are treated.

Missing values can be simply NA or some numeric code specified by the collection. A useful inclusion is the syn function allows for different NA types, for example income, nofriend and nociga features -8 as a missing value. A list is passed to the function in the following form.

# setting continuous variable NA list <- list(income = c(NA, -8), nofriend = c(NA, -8), nociga = c(NA, -8))

By not including this the -8’s will be treated as a numeric value and may distort the synthesis.

After synthesis, there is often a need to post process the data to ensure it is logically consistent. For example, anyone who is married must be over 18 and anyone who doesn’t smoke shouldn’t have a value recorded for ‘number of cigarettes consumed’. These rules can be applied during synthesis rather than needing adhoc post processing.

# apply rules to ensure consistency
rules.list <- list(
    marital = "age < 18", 
    nociga = "smoke == 'NO'")

rules.value.list <- list(
    marital = "SINGLE", 
    nociga = -8)

The variables in the condition need to be synthesised before applying the rule otherwise the function will throw an error. In this case age should be synthesised before marital and smoke should be synthesised before nociga.

There is one person with a bmi of 450.

##         sex age agegr            placesize    region       edu
## 3953 FEMALE  58 45-59 URBAN 20,000-100,000 Lubelskie SECONDARY
##                         eduspec                 socprof unempdur income
## 3953 economy and administration LONG-TERM SICK/DISABLED       -8   1300
##      marital mmarr ymarr msepdiv ysepdiv               ls depress
## 3953 MARRIED     4  1982      NA      NA MOSTLY SATISFIED       1
##                         trust trustfam trustneigh sport nofriend smoke
## 3953 ONE CAN`T BE TOO CAREFUL      YES        YES   YES        2    NO
##      nociga alcabuse alcsol workab wkabdur wkabint wkabintdur emcc englang
## 3953     -8       NO     NO     NO      -8      NO       <NA> <NA>    NONE
##      height weight      bmi
## 3953    149     NA 449.9797

Their weight is missing from the data set and would need to be 449.9797*1.49^2 = 999 \text{kg} for this to be accurate. I don’t believe this is correct! So, any bmi over 75 (which is still very high) will be considered a missing value and corrected before synthesis.

# getting around the error: synthesis needs to occur before the rules are applied
original.df$bmi <- ifelse(original.df$bmi > 75, NA, original.df$bmi)

Consider a data set with p variables. In a nutshell, synthesis follows these steps:

  1. Take a simple random sample of x_{1,obs} and set as x_{1,syn}
  2. Fit model f(x_{2,obs}|x_{1,obs}) and draw x_{2,syn} from f(x_{2,syn}|x_{1,syn})
  3. Fit model f(x_{3,obs}|x_{1,obs},x_{2,obs}) and draw x_{3,syn} from  f(x_{3,syn}|x_{1,syn},x_{2,syn})
  4. And so on, until f(x_{p,syn}|x_{1,syn},x_{2,syn},\dots,x_{p-1,syn})

The data can now be synthesised using the following code.

# synthesise data
synth.obj <- syn(original.df, =, rules = rules.list, rvalues = rules.value.list, seed = myseed)
## Unexpected values (not obeying the rules) found for variable(s): nociga.
## Rules have been applied but make sure they are correct.
## Synthesis
## -----------
##  sex age socprof income marital depress sport nofriend smoke nociga
##  alcabuse bmi
## Call:
## ($call) syn(data = original.df, rules = rules.list, rvalues = rules.value.list, 
## =, seed = myseed)
## Number of synthesised data sets: 
## ($m)  1 
## First rows of synthesised data set: 
## ($syn)
##      sex age                     socprof income marital depress sport
## 3 FEMALE  17            PUPIL OR STUDENT     NA  SINGLE       3    NO
## 5   MALE  50  EMPLOYED IN PRIVATE SECTOR   1300 MARRIED       0    NO
## 6 FEMALE  65                     RETIRED   1200 WIDOWED       6    NO
##   nofriend smoke nociga alcabuse      bmi
## 1        3    NO     -8       NO 26.12245
## 2       30    NO     -8       NO 29.32099
## 3        7    NO     -8       NO 22.40588
## 4       10    NO     -8       NO 25.81663
## 5       12   YES     20      YES 27.17063
## 6       15    NO     -8       NO 27.51338
## ...
## Synthesising methods: 
## ($method)
##      sex      age  socprof   income  marital  depress    sport nofriend 
## "sample"   "cart"   "cart"   "cart"   "cart"   "cart"   "cart"   "cart" 
##    smoke   nociga alcabuse      bmi 
##   "cart"   "cart"   "cart"   "cart" 
## Order of synthesis: 
## ($visit.sequence)
##      sex      age  socprof   income  marital  depress    sport nofriend 
##        1        2        3        4        5        6        7        8 
##    smoke   nociga alcabuse      bmi 
##        9       10       11       12 
## Matrix of predictors: 
## ($predictor.matrix)
##          sex age socprof income marital depress sport nofriend smoke
## sex        0   0       0      0       0       0     0        0     0
## age        1   0       0      0       0       0     0        0     0
## socprof    1   1       0      0       0       0     0        0     0
## income     1   1       1      0       0       0     0        0     0
## marital    1   1       1      1       0       0     0        0     0
## depress    1   1       1      1       1       0     0        0     0
## sport      1   1       1      1       1       1     0        0     0
## nofriend   1   1       1      1       1       1     1        0     0
## smoke      1   1       1      1       1       1     1        1     0
## nociga     1   1       1      1       1       1     1        1     1
## alcabuse   1   1       1      1       1       1     1        1     1
## bmi        1   1       1      1       1       1     1        1     1
##          nociga alcabuse bmi
## sex           0        0   0
## age           0        0   0
## socprof       0        0   0
## income        0        0   0
## marital       0        0   0
## depress       0        0   0
## sport         0        0   0
## nofriend      0        0   0
## smoke         0        0   0
## nociga        0        0   0
## alcabuse      1        0   0
## bmi           1        1   0

The compare function allows for easy checking of the sythesised data.

# compare the synthetic and original data frames
compare(synth.obj, original.df, nrow = 3, ncol = 4, cols = mycols)$plot
plot of chunk compare results

Solid. The distributions are very well preserved. Did the rules work on the smoking variable?

# checking rules worked
table(synth.obj$syn[,c("smoke", "nociga")])
##      nociga
## smoke   -8    1    2    3    4    5    6    7    8   10   12   14   15
##   YES   13   13   13   32    5   49   17   12   28  308   26    3  135
##   NO  3777    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
##      nociga
## smoke   16   18   20   21   22   24   25   26   29   30   35   40   50
##   YES    5    7  418    2    1    2   31    2    2   51    1   33    1
##   NO     0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0    0
##      nociga
## smoke   60
##   YES    1
##   NO     0

They did. All non-smokers have missing values for the number of cigarettes consumed.

compare can also be used for model output checking. A logistic regression model will be fit to find the important predictors of depression. The depression variable ranges from 0-21. This will be converted to

  • 0-7 – no evidence of depression (0)
  • 8-21 – evidence of depression (1)

This split leaves 3822 (0)’s and 1089 (1)’s for modelling.

# ------------ MODEL COMPARISON
glm1 <- glm.synds(ifelse(depress > 7, 1, 0) ~ sex + age + log(income) + sport + nofriend + smoke + alcabuse + bmi, data = synth.obj, family = "binomial")
## Warning in log(income): NaNs produced
## Warning: Note that all these results depend on the synthesis model being correct.
## Fit to synthetic data set with a single synthesis.
## Inference to coefficients and standard errors that
## would be obtained from the observed data.
## Call:
## glm.synds(formula = ifelse(depress > 7, 1, 0) ~ sex + age + log(income) + 
##     sport + nofriend + smoke + alcabuse + bmi, family = "binomial", 
##     data = synth.obj)
## Combined estimates:
##              xpct(Beta) xpct(se.Beta) xpct(z) Pr(>|xpct(z)|)    
## (Intercept) -1.00819811    0.71605764 -1.4080      0.1591356    
## sexFEMALE    0.35681507    0.10010909  3.5643      0.0003649 ***
## age          0.09004527    0.00384758 23.4031      < 2.2e-16 ***
## log(income) -0.68041355    0.08829602 -7.7060      1.298e-14 ***
## sportNO     -0.66446597    0.11880451 -5.5929      2.233e-08 ***
## nofriend     0.00028325    0.00679104  0.0417      0.9667305    
## smokeNO      0.08544511    0.11894243  0.7184      0.4725269    
## alcabuseNO  -0.72124437    0.21444108 -3.3634      0.0007700 ***
## bmi          0.00644972    0.01036016  0.6226      0.5335801    
## ---
## Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
# compare to the original data set
compare(glm1, original.df, lcol = mycols)
## Warning in log(income): NaNs produced
## Call used to fit models to the data:
## glm.synds(formula = ifelse(depress > 7, 1, 0) ~ sex + age + log(income) + 
##     sport + nofriend + smoke + alcabuse + bmi, family = "binomial", 
##     data = synth.obj)
## Differences between results based on synthetic and observed data:
##             Std. coef diff p value CI overlap
## (Intercept)    -1.26517500   0.206  0.6772453
## sexFEMALE       0.27373709   0.784  0.9301678
## age             0.85530291   0.392  0.7818065
## log(income)     0.98568572   0.324  0.7485449
## sportNO         0.16485706   0.869  0.9579439
## nofriend        1.31926470   0.187  0.6634467
## smokeNO        -0.07386025   0.941  0.9811578
## alcabuseNO      0.02501199   0.980  0.9936193
## bmi            -0.17971185   0.857  0.9541543
## Measures for one synthesis and 9 coefficients
## Mean confidence interval overlap:  0.8542318
## Mean absolute std. coef diff:  0.5714007
## Lack-of-fit: 5.49732; p-value 0.789 for test that synthesis model is compatible 
## with a chi-squared test with 9 degrees of freedom
## Confidence interval plot:
plot of chunk model comparison

While the model needs more work, the same conclusions would be made from both the original and synthetic data set as can be seen from the confidence interavals. Occaisonally there may be contradicting conclusions made about a variable, accepting it in the observed data but not in the synthetic data for example. This scenario could be corrected by using different synthesis methods (see documentation) or altering the visit sequence.

Preserving count data

Released population data are often counts of people in geographical areas by demographic variables (age, sex, etc). Some cells in the table can be very small e.g. <5. For privacy reasons these cells are suppressed to protect peoples identity. With a synthetic data, suppression is not required given it contains no real people, assuming there is enough uncertainty in how the records are synthesised.

The existence of small cell counts opens a few questions,

  1. If very few records exist in a particular grouping (1-4 records in an area) can they be accurately simulated by synthpop?
  2. Is the structure of the count data preserved?

To test this 200 areas will be simulated to replicate possible real world scenarios. Area size will be randomly allocated ensuring a good mix of large and small population sizes. Population sizes are randomly drawn from a Poisson distribution with mean \lambda. If large, \lambda is drawn from a uniform distribution on the interval [20, 40]. If small, \lambda is set to 1.

# ---------- AREA
# add area flag to the data frame
area.label <- paste0("area", 1:200)
a <- sample(0:1, 200, replace = TRUE, prob = c(0.5, 0.5))
lambda <- runif(200, 20, 40)*(1-a) + a
prob.dist <- rpois(200, lambda)
area <- sample(area.label, 5000, replace = TRUE, prob = prob.dist)

# attached to original data frame
original.df <- SD2011 %>% dplyr::select(sex, age, socprof, income, marital, depress, sport, nofriend, smoke, nociga, alcabuse, bmi)
original.df$bmi <- ifelse(original.df$bmi > 75, NA, original.df$bmi)
original.df <- cbind(original.df, area) %>% arrange(area)

The sequence of synthesising variables and the choice of predictors is important when there are rare events or low sample areas. If Synthesised very early in the procedure and used as a predictor for following variables, it’s likely the subsequent models will over-fit. Synthetic data sets require a level of uncertainty to reduce the risk of statistical disclosure, so this is not ideal.

Fortunately syn allows for modification of the predictor matrix. To avoid over-fitting, ‘area’ is the last variable to by synthesised and will only use sex and age as predictors. This is reasonable to capture the key population characteristics. Additionally, syn throws an error unless maxfaclevels is changed to the number of areas (the default is 60). This is to prevent poorly synthesised data for this reason and a warning message suggest to check the results, which is good practice.

# synthesise data
# m is set to 0 as a hack to set the synds object and the predictor matrix
synth.obj.b <- syn(original.df, =, rules = rules.list, rvalues = rules.value.list, maxfaclevels = 200, seed = myseed, m = 0)
## Unexpected values (not obeying the rules) found for variable(s): nociga.
## Rules have been applied but make sure they are correct.
# changing the predictor matrix to predict area with only age and sex
new.pred.mat <- synth.obj.b$predictor.matrix
new.pred.mat["area",] <- 0
new.pred.mat["area",c("age", "sex")] <- 1
##          sex age socprof income marital depress sport nofriend smoke
## sex        0   0       0      0       0       0     0        0     0
## age        1   0       0      0       0       0     0        0     0
## socprof    1   1       0      0       0       0     0        0     0
## income     1   1       1      0       0       0     0        0     0
## marital    1   1       1      1       0       0     0        0     0
## depress    1   1       1      1       1       0     0        0     0
## sport      1   1       1      1       1       1     0        0     0
## nofriend   1   1       1      1       1       1     1        0     0
## smoke      1   1       1      1       1       1     1        1     0
## nociga     1   1       1      1       1       1     1        1     1
## alcabuse   1   1       1      1       1       1     1        1     1
## bmi        1   1       1      1       1       1     1        1     1
## area       1   1       0      0       0       0     0        0     0
##          nociga alcabuse bmi area
## sex           0        0   0    0
## age           0        0   0    0
## socprof       0        0   0    0
## income        0        0   0    0
## marital       0        0   0    0
## depress       0        0   0    0
## sport         0        0   0    0
## nofriend      0        0   0    0
## smoke         0        0   0    0
## nociga        0        0   0    0
## alcabuse      1        0   0    0
## bmi           1        1   0    0
## area          0        0   0    0
# synthesising with new predictor
synth.obj.b <- syn(original.df, =, rules = rules.list, rvalues = rules.value.list, maxfaclevels = 200, seed = myseed, proper = TRUE, predictor.matrix = new.pred.mat)
## Unexpected values (not obeying the rules) found for variable(s): nociga.
## Rules have been applied but make sure they are correct.
## Synthesis
## -----------
##  sex age socprof income marital depress sport nofriend smoke nociga
##  alcabuse bmi area
# compare the synthetic and original data frames
compare(synth.obj.b, original.df, vars = "area", nrow = 1, ncol = 1, cols = c("darkmagenta", "turquoise"), stat = "counts")$plot
plot of chunk synthesise area

The area variable is simulated fairly well on simply age and sex. It captures the large and small areas, however the large areas are relatively more variable. This could use some fine tuning, but will stick with this for now.

tab.syn <- synth.obj.b$syn %>% 
  dplyr::select(area, sex) %>% 

tab.orig <- original.df %>% 
  dplyr::select(area, sex) %>% 
## synthetic
##          sex
## area      MALE FEMALE
##   area1      2      0
##   area10    15     19
##   area101    0      6
##   area103   35     22
##   area105    3      0
##   area106   30     31
##   area107    0      3
##   area108   28     11
##   area110   17     37
##   area112   23     24
##   area113    0      2
##   area114   21     52
##   area115   30     28
## original
##          sex
## area      MALE FEMALE
##   area1      1      0
##   area10    19     27
##   area101    1      3
##   area103   29     26
##   area105    1      0
##   area106   22     33
##   area107    0      4
##   area108   28     18
##   area110   18     33
##   area112   23     25
##   area113    1      2
##   area114   28     39
##   area115   23     44
d <- data.frame(difference = as.numeric(tab.syn - tab.orig), sex = c(rep("Male", 150), rep("Female", 150)))
ggplot(d, aes(x = difference, fill = sex)) + geom_histogram() + facet_grid(sex ~ .) + scale_fill_manual(values = mycols)
## `stat_bin()` using `bins = 30`. Pick better value with `binwidth`.
plot of chunk distribution of errors

The method does a good job at preserving the structure for the areas. How much variability is acceptable is up to the user and intended purpose. Using more predictors may provide a better fit. The errors are distributed around zero, a good sign no bias has leaked into the data from the synthesis.

tab.syn <- synth.obj.b$syn %>% 
  dplyr::select(marital, sex) %>% 

tab.orig <- original.df %>% 
  dplyr::select(marital, sex) %>% 
## synthetic
##                     sex
## marital              MALE FEMALE
##   SINGLE              667    565
##   MARRIED            1352   1644
##   WIDOWED              76    398
##   DIVORCED             81    169
##   LEGALLY SEPARATED     2      0
##   DE FACTO SEPARATED    6     36
## original
##                     sex
## marital              MALE FEMALE
##   SINGLE              657    596
##   MARRIED            1382   1597
##   WIDOWED              66    465
##   DIVORCED             62    137
##   LEGALLY SEPARATED     6      1
##   DE FACTO SEPARATED    4     18

At higher levels of aggregation the structure of tables is more maintained.

Build your own methods

‘synthpop’ is built with a similar function to the ‘mice’ package where user defined methods can be specified and passed to the syn function using the form syn.newmethod. To demonstrate this we’ll build our own neural net method.

As a minimum the function takes as input

  • y – observed variable to be synthesised
  • x – observed predictors
  • xp – synthesised predictors
syn.nn <- function (y, x, xp, smoothing, size = 6, ...) {
    for (i in which(sapply(x, class) != sapply(xp, class))) xp[, 
        i] <- eval(parse(text = paste0("as.", class(x[, i]), 
        "(xp[,i])", sep = "")))

    # model and prediction
    nn <- nnet(y ~ ., data =, x)), size = size, trace = FALSE)
    probs <- predict(nn, newdata = xp)
    probs[] <- 0
    for(k in 1:nrow(probs)){
      if(sum(probs[k,]) == 0){
        probs[k,] <- 1
    new <- apply(probs, 1, function(x) colnames(probs)[sample(1:ncol(probs), 1, prob = x)]) %>% unname()

    # if smothing
    if (!is.factor(y) & smoothing == "density") 
        new <- syn.smooth(new, y)

    # return
    return(list(res = new, fit = nn))

Set the method vector to apply the new neural net method for the factors, ctree for the others and pass to syn.

# methods vector
meth.vec <- c("sample", ifelse(sapply(original.df[,-1], is.factor), "nn", "ctree"))
meth.vec[13] <- "ctree"

# synthesise
synth.obj.c <- syn(original.df, method = meth.vec, =, rules = rules.list, rvalues = rules.value.list, maxfaclevels = 200, seed = myseed, predictor.matrix = new.pred.mat)
## Unexpected values (not obeying the rules) found for variable(s): nociga.
## Rules have been applied but make sure they are correct.
## Synthesis
## -----------
##  sex age socprof income marital depress sport nofriend smoke nociga
##  alcabuse bmi area
# compare the synthetic and original data frames
compare(synth.obj.c, original.df, vars = colnames(original.df)[-13], nrow = 3, ncol = 4, cols = c("darkmagenta", "turquoise"), stat = "counts")$plot
plot of chunk methods vector

The results are very similar to above with the exception of ‘alcabuse’, but this demonstrates how new methods can be applied.


The ‘synthpop’ package is great for synthesising data for statistical disclosure control or creating training data for model development. Other things to note,

  • Synthesising a single table is fast and simple.
  • Watch out for over-fitting particularly with factors with many levels. Ensure the visit sequence is reasonable.
  • You are not constrained by only the supported methods, you can build your own!

Future posts

Following posts tackle complications that arise when there are multiple tables at different grains that are to be synthesised. Further complications arise when their relationships in the database also need to be preserved. Ideally the data is synthesised and stored alongside the original enabling any report or analysis to be conducted on either the original or synthesised data. This will require some trickery to get synthpop to do the right thing, but is possible.

The post Generating Synthetic Data Sets with ‘synthpop’ in R appeared first on Daniel Oehm | Gradient Descending.

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