
Topic Modeling the Sarah Palin Emails

June 27, 2011 | Edwin Chen

tl;dr Browse through Sarah Palin’s emails, automagically organized by topic, here. LDA-based Email Browser Earlier this month, several thousand emails from Sarah Palin’s time as governor of Alaska were released. The emails weren’t organized in any fashion, though, so to make them easier to browse, I ... [Read more...]


June 27, 2011 | xi'an

Following my earlier posts on the revision of Lack of confidence, here is an interesting outcome from the derivation of the exact marginal likelihood in the Laplace case. Computing the posterior probability of a normal model versus a Laplace model in the normal (gold) and the Laplace (chocolate) settings leads ... [Read more...]

RghcnV3 version 1.1

June 27, 2011 | Steven Mosher

I’ve just uploaded version 1.1 of  the package RghcnV3 to Cran. I’ve made a few changes that should make it easier for some folks to use. First I removed the requirement for rgdal. At the present time “rgdal” is not required. On the MAC installing it can be a ... [Read more...]

Bonds Risk and Return by Rating

June 27, 2011 | klr

As an extension to the Bond Market as a Casino Game series and Historical Sources of Bond Returns-Comparison of Daily to Monthly, I thought a ggplot of risk and return by decade and Moody’s Rating might be helpful.  Anyone who has read those oth...
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Bayesian Fall school in La Rochelle

June 26, 2011 | xi'an

The French agronomy research institute INRA is organising a Fall school in La Rochelle, Nov. 28 – Dec. 02, on Bayesian methods, oriented towards the applications in food sciences, environmental sciences, and biology. The provisional program (in French) is ■ Initiation aux outils informatiques R et WinBUGS (TP et réalisation de projets sur ... [Read more...]

Normal tail precision

June 25, 2011 | xi'an

In conjunction with the normal-Laplace comparison mentioned in the most recent post about our lack of confidence in ABC model choice, we have been working on the derivation of the exact Bayes factor and I derived an easy formula for the marginal likelihood in the Laplace case that boils down ... [Read more...]

ProjectTemplate News

June 25, 2011 | John Myles White

The news below was recently reported on the ProjectTemplate mailing list. For completeness, I’m also reporting it here. The first piece of ProjectTemplate news is that I won’t be the exclusive maintainer for ProjectTemplate anymore. Allen Goodman, who works at BankSimple, is now my co-maintainer and he has ... [Read more...]

Kernel Density Estimates & Truncated Normals

June 24, 2011 | ALT

Earlier today I read a post about truncated normals, and one plot in particular jumped out at me:By definition, the truncated normal should have zero density everywhere to the left of the truncation point, but that's not what we see in the plot. What'...
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RcppArmadillo 0.2.23

June 24, 2011 | Thinking inside the box

Conrad Sanderson released version 1.99.5 of Armadillo yesterday. This provides the fifth release candidate en route to version 2.0.0. He was even kind enough to post on rcpp-devel about it too as it entails some minor API changes. His version 1.99.5 ... [Read more...]

The R Journal: June 2011

June 24, 2011 | David Smith

The latest issue of the R Journal is out, and as always includes many useful articles about using R and R packages. Articles in Volume 3/1 dive into topics including creating test for R packages with test_that; dealing with times, time zones, dates and holidays with timeDate; social network analysis ... [Read more...]

Talking The R Journal latest release

June 24, 2011 | Pat

Volume 3/1 of The R Journal has been released. It of course has articles about using R.  In addition it has a feature that I highly support.  In preparation for the UseR! Conference 2011 August 16-18 in Coventry there are two Help Desk articles on making a good technical presentation. Technical presentation ...
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Speed up R "for" loops 50x with Rcpp

June 23, 2011 | David Smith

Christian Gunning has a great example of using Rcpp to speed up a for loop in R. For his agent-based simulation, Christian needed to repeatedly call the rbinom function in a loop. (Unfortunately, you can't pass a vector to the size argument, which would have solved the problem.) Using the ... [Read more...]

No, steal *this* blog!

June 23, 2011 | Adam.Hyland

Should the world of R Wikibooks require a precis on truncated distributions, marijuana prices, or an obtusely coded method to visualize orthogonal least squares (spoiler alert: dot products are easier!), I’m your man! I hereby release all of the content and code in the R stuff category under the ... [Read more...]

iEvoBio 2011 Synopsis

June 22, 2011 | Scott Chamberlain

We just wrapped up the 2011 iEvoBio meeting. It was awesome! If you didn't go this year or last year, definitely think about going next year.Here is a list of the cool projects that were discussed at the meeting (apologies if I left some out):Vistrails...
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At Least Tim Thomas Won…….

June 22, 2011 | btibert3

As you can tell from the content on this blog, I am a really big fan of statistical analysis and the NHL.  I haven’t blogged in some time simply because I have been deeply engrossed by the 2011 playoffs, where … Continue reading → [Read more...]
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