
AMIS revised & resubmitted

December 18, 2010 | xi'an

After a thorough revision that removed most of the theoretical attempts at improving our understanding of AMIS convergence, we have now resubmitted the AMIS paper to Scandinavian Journal of Statistics and arXived the new version as well. (I remind the reader that AMIS stands for adaptive mixture importance sampling and ... [Read more...]

R Workflow: Melbourne R Users Dec 1st 2010

December 18, 2010 | jeromyanglim

Melbourne R Users Group December 1st 2010 Meeting (Meetup page). 1. “What my R code looks and feels like (Vanilla)” by Geoff Robinson The other talk from the session was by Geoff Robinson who discussed several useful strategies for working … Continue reading →
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Programming languages, ranked by popularity

December 17, 2010 | David Smith

In a presentation to the Chicago R User Group last night, Drew Conway used his new Infochimps package in R to assess the relative popularity of programming languages. Drew used the word.stats function in the Infochimps package to count the frequency of common computer languages mentioned in Twitter messages, ... [Read more...]

Disas-tea-R at dawn

December 16, 2010 | xi'an

This was bound to happen sooner or later, given my addiction to tea and sleepless nights, so I eventually managed to spill a cup of tea over my Mac… I had been working for a few hours in my hotel room in Philadelphia, completing an ABC paper with Jean-Michel Marin ... [Read more...]

R 2.12.1 is out

December 16, 2010 | David Smith

As promised, the latest patch to R is out with the release of R 2.12.1, as announced today by the R Core Team. If you build R yourself, sources are available now at your local CRAN mirror, and binaries for Windows, Mac and Linux will be available in the next few ... [Read more...]

Tennis and risk management

December 16, 2010 | arthur charpentier

As mentioned already here, while we were going to Québec City for the workshop, we had interesting discussions in the car, and Maciej mentioned an article recently published in The Actuary, Hence, I wanted to discuss (extremely) rare event probabi...
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Data Driven Journalism

December 15, 2010 | David Smith

Last night at the Bay Area UseR Group meeting, Peter Aldhous, San Francisco Bureau Chief of New Scientist Magazine, gave an inspiring presentation about Data Driven Journalism. Even though the newspaper industry is faltering as a business model, there's a beacon of light: journalists can be the driving force behind ... [Read more...]

Facebook’s Social Network Graph

December 14, 2010 | David Smith

Paul Butler, an intern on Facebook’s data infrastructure engineering team, was interested in visualizing the "locality of friendship". Luckily, he has some great data to work with: Facebook's social network of the friendships between its 500 million members. But visualizing that much data can be a challenge in its own ... [Read more...]

Logical operators in R

December 14, 2010 | csgillespie

In R, the operators “|” and “&” indicate the logical operations OR and AND. For example, to test if x equals 1 and y equals 2 we do the following: __ x = 1; y = 2 __ (x == 1) & (y == 2) [1] TRUE However, if you are used to programming in [...] [Read more...]

RcppDE 0.1.0

December 13, 2010 | Thinking inside the box

A new package RcppDE has been uploaded in a first version 0.1.0 to CRAN. It provides differential evolution optimisation---a variant of stochastic optimisation that is similar to genetic algorithms but particularly suitable for the floating-point repr... [Read more...]

Adap’skiii [latest]

December 13, 2010 | xi'an

Just to point out there still is room for more participants to the Adap’skiii workshop! We have now reached 60 participants for this Utah workshop and would welcome more, quite obviously! All participants are also free to present a poster on the evening of the 4th, in the bar. Filed ... [Read more...]
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