
Adap’skiii [day 2]

January 5, 2011 | xi'an

Another exciting day at Adap’skiii!!! Yves Atchadé presented a very recent work on the fundamental issue of estimating the asymptotic variance estimation for adaptive MCMC algorithms, with an intriguing experimental observation that a non-converging bandwidth with rate 1/n was providing better coverage than the converging rate. (I always found ...
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Customizing the Theme of Your R HTML Help

January 4, 2011 | Yihui Xie

R’s default theme of the HTML help pages is too plain for me to read, but we can easily modify the theme, which is essentially a CSS file. You can find the file under: file.path(R.home('doc'), 'html', 'R.css') Simply replace this file with my version: ...
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The R Journal: December 2010

January 4, 2011 | David Smith

Issue 2 of The R Journal (the peer-reviewed journal devoted to R) was published over the Christmas break. In addition to news about the latest release of R, it also includes contributed articles on using GPU processing to fit Bayesian models in R, processing text data in R, solving differential equations ... [Read more...]

Revised market prediction distributions

January 4, 2011 | Pat

This provides revised plots of the prediction distributions published yesterday.  The previous plots of prediction distributions should be ignored — they are not doing as advertised. We show the prediction distribution of levels of several equity indices (plus oil price) at the end of 2011 assuming nothing happens.  That is, we’ve ...
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Creating prediction distributions

January 4, 2011 | Pat

Here we give details and code for the prediction distributions exhibited in yesterday’s blog post Tis the season to predict. Eight years of returns The equity indices use daily closing levels from the start of 2003.  This data comes from Yahoo. A roughly equivalent technique of selecting the last 2000 daily ...
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First meeting of Toronto R User Group this Friday

January 3, 2011 | David Smith

The Greater Toronto Area R User Group is having its inaugural meeting this Friday, January 7. The meeting will feature Ben Bolker, professor and author of Ecological Models and Data in R, who will speak on Generalized Linear Models. It's also your opportunity to join the group and help define its ... [Read more...]

Example 8.19: Referencing lists of variables

January 3, 2011 | Nick Horton

In section 1.11.4 (p. 50), we discuss referring to lists of variables in a data set. In SAS, this can be done for variable stored in adjacent columns with the "var_x -- var_y" syntax and for variables with sequentially enumerated suffixes with the "va...
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Exporting KML from R

January 2, 2011 | James

Google Earth has become a popular way of disseminating spatial data. KML is the data format required to do this. It is possible to load almost any type of spatial...
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LaTeX Typesetting – Tables

January 2, 2011 | Ralph

One area of LaTeX that is not always straightforward is producing tabular material. In this post we will look at some of the basics of creating tables in a LaTeX document. Fast Tube by Casper When creating tables there is a tabular environment that can be used and we need ...
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Le Monde puzzle [52|solution]

January 1, 2011 | xi'an

I have now received the first issue of Le Monde magazine, including the solution to puzzle #52 I solved just in time by simulated annealing! The trick is in using the following theorem: Iter(1,x,y) is divisible by 10x-1 if and only if y is divisible by 10x-1. Then the ... [Read more...]

History makes Stat. Science!

December 31, 2010 | xi'an

While the above heading sounds like a title in reverse, its words are in the “correct” order in that our paper with George Casella, A Short History of Markov Chain Monte Carlo, has been accepted for publication by Statistical Science. This publication may sound weird when considering that the paper ... [Read more...]

The R Journal, Vol.2 Issue 2 is out

December 31, 2010 | Tal Galili

The second issue of the second volume of The R Journal is now available . Download complete issue Refereed articles may be downloaded individually using the links below. [Bibliography of refereed articles] Table of Contents Editorial 3 Contributed Research Articles Solving Differential Equations in R Karline Soetaert, Thomas Petzoldt and R. Woodrow ... [Read more...]

Revolutions blog: 2010 statistics

December 31, 2010 | David Smith

Since it's the end of the year, and since this is a statistics blog, I thought I'd pull some data from the blog server and run some number on the blog itself. Overall, the blog has doubled the average number of daily visitors and pageviews compared to 2009. The number of ... [Read more...]

Le Monde puzzle [52]

December 31, 2010 | xi'an

The last puzzle of the year in Le Monde reads as follows (as far as I understand its wording!): Iter(n,x,y) is the function Iter=function(n,x,y){ if (n==1){ output=trunc(y/10)+x*(y%%10) }else{ output=Iter(n-1,x,Iter(1,x,y))} return output } Find the ... [Read more...]

R Packages for Social Search

December 30, 2010 | David Smith

Jesse Bridgewater works on "social search awesomeness" for the Bing search engine, and is setting up his dev environment with the necessary tools including python, vim, and R. Jesse has shared a handy script he uses to install all the specialty packages he uses for his data analysis. This is ... [Read more...]

Blog year 2010 in review

December 30, 2010 | Pat

The blog year started in August and consists of 30-something posts.  Here is a summary. Quant concepts backtesting: Backtesting — almost wordless cointegration: American TV does cointegration efficient frontier: Anomalies meet volatility implied alpha: Implied alpha — almost wordless portfolio theory: Ancient portfolio theory random walk: The tightrope of the random walk ...
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Analysis of Facebook status updates

December 29, 2010 | David Smith

The Facebook Data Team has published an analysis of the status updates of Facebook users, by categorizing words according to the 68 categories of the Linguistic Inquiry and Word Count Dictionary, and tabulating the frequencies of their use. It's fairly interesting to see this kind of analysis applied to Facebook, but ... [Read more...]
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