
Seasonal pair trading

January 10, 2011 | Dzidorius Martinaitis

quanttrader.info is a good quantitative repository, where I found an idea about seasonal spreads play. The idea of seasonal pair trading differs from pairs trading in a way, that it doesn’t try to find deviation from the spread’s mean, but it looks at seasonal spread patterns. In ...
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R and Google Visualization API

January 8, 2011 | Scott Chamberlain

R interfaces with the powerful Google Visualization API with the package googleVis (see here). It's relatively easy to convert your graphics in R to interactive graphics to post on a web browser. And the graphics are quite nice, as seen below in a simple graph of some of my data ...
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RcppArmadillo 0.2.11

January 8, 2011 | Thinking inside the box

Just before Xmas, Conrad Sanderson released version 1.1.0 of Armadillo, his templated C++ library for linear algebra. Which I only noticed this week, so here comes version 0.2.11 of RcppArmadillo, our Rcpp-based integration into R. The only other ... [Read more...]

The Automatic Millionaire & Amortization

January 8, 2011 | Matt Shotwell

Dan Byrne of Vanderbilt University gave me a book back in October titled The Automatic Millionaire by David Bach. The book is an easy read and full of sound advice that I intend to take. Bach espouses a plan for retirement built on the principles of “paying yourself first” (i....
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Building a fact-based world view

January 7, 2011 | Oscar Perpiñán Lamigueiro

Gapminder is an independent foundation based in Stockholm, Sweden. Its mission is “to debunk devastating myths about the world by offering free access to a fact-based world view“. They provide free online tools, data (more than 400 datasets freely available!) and videos “to better understand the changing world“. The initial development ...
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Arrogance sampling

January 7, 2011 | xi'an

A new posting on arXiv by Benedict Escoto on a simulation method for approximating normalising constants (i.e. evidence) with an eye-catching name! Here is the abstract This paper describes a method for estimating the marginal likelihood or Bayes factors of Bayesian models using non-parametric importance sampling (“arrogance sampling”). This ... [Read more...]

Heatmap tables

January 7, 2011 | Social data blog

I blogged earlier (http://socialdatablog.com/what-is-wrong-with-this-graph) about the well-known risks of implying a continuous data scale in a graph where there isn't one. I just produced this alternative in the form of a heatmap table...
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formatR update (0.1-6)

January 6, 2011 | Yihui Xie

A new version of the formatR package is available on CRAN now (binary packages are still on the way). There are three major updates: the inline comments will also be preserved in most cases (in earlier versions, only single lines of comments are preserved) tidy.source() gained a new argument ... [Read more...]

web content anlayzer

January 6, 2011 | Martin Scharm

Just developed a small crawler to check my online content at binfalse.de in terms of W3C validity and the availability of external links. Here is the code and some statistics... [Read more...]


January 6, 2011 | Ralph

As many people are aware Hans Rosling is an enthusiastic swedish academic with a passion for statistics who recently presented the program The Joy of Stats. One of the great things about Hans Rosling is his presentations and the interactive graphics that he uses to make his points. Fast Tube ... [Read more...]

New R User Group in Kansas City

January 6, 2011 | David Smith

There's a new R User Group based in Kansas City, Kansas. Abraham Mathew just launched the group's website, and is looking for R users in the area to kick things off: This group was started to bring together R users in the Kansas City area to exchange knowledge and provide ... [Read more...]

Some market predictions

January 6, 2011 | Pat

We look at a few forecasts for the year 2011 that we’ve run across, and compare them with the prediction distributions presented in Revised market prediction distributions. FTSE 100 There is a “range forecast” on an Interactive Investor page of 5350 to 6565.  It isn’t clear (to me at least) what this ...
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Short review of the R book

January 5, 2011 | xi'an

David Scott wrote a review of Introducing Monte Carlo Methods with R in the International Statistical Review that is rather negative, since the main bulk reads as follows: I found some aspects of the book very disappointing. The first chapter (“Basic R Programming”) has some unfortunate mistakes and some statements, ...
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