
Merge Me Baby One More Time!

January 24, 2011 | jebyrnes

OK – has this ever happened to you? You are working with a team of collaborators all using a common dataset – maybe from an Agency, and LTER, or someone else’s data altogether. Each of you has some task – incorporating new data, running fancy models and putting the results back into ... [Read more...]

Paying interest and the number e

January 24, 2011 | Pat

Suppose I borrow a dollar from you and I’ll pay you 100% interest at the end of the year.  How much money will you have then? $1 * (1 + 1) = $2 What happens if instead the interest is calculated as  50% twice in the year? $1 * (1.5 * 1.5) = $2.25 After … Continue reading →
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CRANberries is now tweeting

January 23, 2011 | Thinking inside the box

The CRANberries service (which reports on new and updated CRAN packages for the R language and environment) is now tweeting about new packages. Simply follow @CRANberriesFeed to receive theses messages. For the technically minded, adding this to the... [Read more...]

Learning R through baseball: sab-R-metrics

January 21, 2011 | David Smith

The words "statistics" and "baseball" are often found near each other, but there's a lot more to statistics than dividing the number of hits by the number of swings to get a batting average. And there's a lot more to sabermetrics -- the statistical analysis of baseball -- than averages, ... [Read more...]

Interesting volatility measurement, part 2

January 21, 2011 | Dzidorius Martinaitis

A few weeks ago I have mentioned about an interesting volatility prediction. It is based on two periods of historical volatility (standard deviation). The remaining question was – does it really works? I could not give the answer, because I didn’t have VIX futures data at that time. Later on, ...
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Model for nothing – and the bootstrap for free

January 21, 2011 | Timothée

Reconstructing phylogenies is an interesting task, sadly one that often requires to navigate between a multitude of software. To add an unnecessary layer of complexity to the whole thing, most of these softwares speaks different languages, and requires the user to do endless conversions from fasta to phylip to nexus ... [Read more...]

Inconsistencies in Bayesian Models of Decision-Making

January 20, 2011 | John Myles White

But modeling devices that make sense for an unbiased decisionmaker may not make sense for a biased one. For example, why would individuals have priors and posteriors if they are destined to apply Bayes’ law incorrectly?1 A question I often ask myself. Wolfgang Pesendorfer : Behavioral Economics Comes of Age: A ... [Read more...]

Trip to Lyon

January 20, 2011 | xi'an

This was my first trip to Lyon in about… 35 years, I think, but I did not have much time to tour the city! My original plan was to go climbing with Ivan near La Meije right after the talk, but our respective knees were hurting for the past week at ...
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Bad kitty!

January 20, 2011 | richierocks

The cat function bugs me a little. There are two quirks in particular that I find irritating on occasions that I use it. Firstly, almost everything that I want displayed onscreen, I want on its own line. __ cat("cat messes up my command prompt position") cat messes up my command ... [Read more...]

Submit your talks for the R user conference

January 19, 2011 | David Smith

useR! 2011[*], the annual R user conference supported by the R Foundation for Statistical Computing, will be held this year in the United Kingdom at the University of Warwick (which is located, oddly enough, in Coventry). Last year's conference featured dozens of presentations on R's use in pretty much every domain ... [Read more...]

The ultimate exam excuse…

January 19, 2011 | xi'an

A few days after my R exam (available in French here), I received this email from the department secretary: Pour information cet étudiant est venu me trouver jeudi soir, catastrophé car il venait de constater que son stylo “PILOT Frixion”, stylo semble-t-il recommandé par certains enseignants, ne se contentait pas ... [Read more...]

RcppBDT 0.1.0

January 18, 2011 | Thinking inside the box

The family of Rcpp packages just grew by one: the first 0.1.0 release of RcppBDT is now on CRAN. RcppBDT stands for Rcpp Boost Date_Time. It employs what we call Rcpp modules: a mechanism which provides easier ways to expose C++ functions and classe... [Read more...]

A simple test to predict coronary artery disease

January 18, 2011 | David Smith

Coronary artery disease (CAD) results in blockages to the blood vessels that supply the heart and, if left untreated, can lead to heart attacks and even death. In fact, CAD is the leading cause of death in North America and many other countries. It's important to detect CAD as soon ... [Read more...]

Example 8.21: latent class analysis

January 18, 2011 | Nick Horton

Latent class analysis is a technique used to classify observations based on patterns of categorical responses. Collins and Lanza's book,"Latent Class and Latent Transition Analysis," provides a readable introduction, while the UCLA ATS center has an o...
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