
Revolution in the News

February 8, 2011 | David Smith

Between the recent launch of Revolution R Enterprise 4.2 and the announcement of the SAS to R Challenge, there's been a flurry of recent news about Revolution Analytics and R in the media. Here's a quick recap: The Register's Timothy Prickett Morgan comments on the SAS to R Challenge: 'Red Hat ... [Read more...]

4 and a half myths about beta in finance

February 8, 2011 | Pat

Much of what has been said and thought about beta in finance is untrue. Myth 1: beta is about volatility This myth is pervasive. Beta is associated with the stock’s volatility but there is more involved.  Beta is the ratio of the volatility of the stock to the volatility of ... [Read more...]

R courses from Statistics.com

February 7, 2011 | David Smith

If you're looking for some in-depth training in R, here are some upcoming courses presented by R gurus and hosted by statistics.com to consider: Feb 11: Modeling in R (Sudha Purohit -- more details after the jump) Mar 4: Introduction to R - Data Handling (Paul Murrell) Apr 15: Programming in R (... [Read more...]

Example 8.24: MplusAutomation and Mplus

February 7, 2011 | Nick Horton

In recent entries (here, here, and here), we've been fitting a series of latent class models using SAS and R. One of the most commonly used and powerful software package for latent class model estimation is Mplus. This commercial software includes su...
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Rhythms of Equality and Inequality

February 6, 2011 | Ethan Brown

Today I unveil my very first statistical YouTube video! I will do anything to keep you statisfied, and if that means YouTube, then so be it. But first, some exposition: In Panama, 10 percent of the population owned 45 percent of the income in 2000, whereas the bottom 10 percent owned only 0.6 percent. How [...] [Read more...]

Latent Gaussian Models im Zürich [day 2]

February 6, 2011 | xi'an

The second day at the Latent Gaussian Models workshop in Zürich was equally interesting. Among the morning talks, let me mention Daniel Bové who gave a talk connected with the hyper-g prior paper he wrote with Leo Held (commented in an earlier post) and the duo of Janine Illian ... [Read more...]

Clustering NHL Skaters

February 6, 2011 | --

I have been sitting on this post for some time now and wanted to get it out there.  The goal is to simply show how easy it is to pull live data from the web into R, massage it, and perform some analytics on it.  I am not sure how ... [Read more...]

Latent Gaussian Models in Zürich [day 1]

February 4, 2011 | xi'an

An interesting first day (for me) at the Latent Gaussian Models workshop in Zürich. The workshop is obviously centred at the INLA approach, with Havard Rue giving a short course on Wednesday then a wide ranging tour of the applications and extensions of INLA this afternoon. Thanks to his ... [Read more...]

The R-Files: Dirk Eddelbuettel

February 4, 2011 | David Smith

"The R-Files" is an occasional series from Revolution Analytics, where we profile prominent members of the R Community. Name: Dirk Eddelbuettel Background: Ph.D. (EHESS, France), Quantitative Analyst Nationality: Canadian Years Using R: About 15 Known for: RQuantlib, Rcpp/RInside, R packaging for Debian/Ubuntu, Task Views for Finance and HPC, ... [Read more...]

Le Monde puzzle [#4]

February 4, 2011 | xi'an

A fairly simple puzzle in this weekend Le Monde magazine: given five points on a line such that their pairwise distances are 1,2,4,…,14,18,20, find the respective positions of the five points over the line and deduce the missing distances. Without loss of generality, we can set the first point at 0 and ... [Read more...]

Teach Yourself How to Create Functions in R

February 1, 2011 | --

As you can tell from my previous posts, I am diving in head first into learning how to program (and simplify) my analytical life using R.  I have always learned by example and have never really prospered from the “learn from scratch” school of thought.  As I follow along with ... [Read more...]

Revolution R Enterprise 4.2 now available

February 1, 2011 | David Smith

Today we're pleased to announce the availability of the latest update to the Revolution R family, Revolution R Enterprise 4.2. This release includes all of the capabilities of the most powerful statistical software available, open-source R (version 2.11.1), plus additional components for big data analysis, integration, user experience and more. Version 4.2 includes ... [Read more...]

Tricks to manage memory in an R session

January 31, 2011 | David Smith

Unless you're using an out-of-memory solution to manage large data objects (such as the RevoScaleR package in Revolution R Enterprise), then R always allocates memory for every object in your working session. If you're working with many objects (or even just a few large objects) then you'll need to take ... [Read more...]

Tick data retrieval

January 31, 2011 | Dzidorius Martinaitis

I just published Java based code to pull tick data from Interactive Brokers. There are thousands tools to get tick data from IB, but I had one feature in mind. You can get maximum 50 quotes per second from Interactive Brokers (its IB limitation for TWS API) . Imagine a situation, when ... [Read more...]
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