
Dataset: Wisconsin Union Protester Tweets #wiunion

February 21, 2011 | mjbommar

   I’ve been playing with Twitter data over the last week, archiving Algerian, Egyptian, Iranian, and Chinese tweets.  I thought I’d bring the story a little closer to home this time by archiving tweets from Wisconsin Union protesters on the … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Interest Rates’ Influence on 1987

February 21, 2011 | klr

One aspect of 1987 that does not deserve enough attention is interest rates.  Higher interest rates constrain economic activity and compete with other investments.  As seen in the chart below, the US 10year Treasury rate climbed 40% from 7% t...
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Who did HBGary contact the most?

February 21, 2011 | David Smith

Following on from Friday's post about the travails of internet security firm HBGary, R user Michael Bommarito has done an analysis of the leaked emails to find the top 20 most contacted email addresses and the top 20 most referenced internet domains. There are some interesting names on those lists, to be ... [Read more...]

New R User Groups in Canada, India

February 21, 2011 | David Smith

Three new local R user groups have just been added to the directory: In Québec, the group Plein-R is affilliated with the department of Forestry, Geography and Geomatics at Laval University. Although the group's website is in French, group organizer Etienne Racine says, "Our group is bilingual. Our meetings ... [Read more...]

Screen Scraping, Mapping in R

February 19, 2011 | Earl Glynn

by Earl F. Glynn, Kansas Watchdog The PowerPoint slides below give an overview of screen scraping and mapping in R. Details with comments about many of the R statements can be found in these articles: Simple R Screen Scraping Example R Screen Scraping:... [Read more...]

R Reshape Examples

February 19, 2011 | Earl Glynn

by Earl F. Glynn, Kansas Watchdog The goal of this article is to describe how to “reshape” data from screen scraping to make analysis with existing tools easier. Background The Kansas Secretary of State published Nov. 2010 election results ... [Read more...]

Simple R Screen Scraping Example

February 18, 2011 | Earl Glynn

by Earl F. Glynn, Kansas Watchdog The goal of this exercise is to show how to “screen scrape” data from an online web page using R. Additional articles will extend this example to scrape data from 105 Kansas county pages to form a statewide... [Read more...]

ABC in London

February 15, 2011 | xi'an

After the very exciting and I think quite successful ABC in Paris meeting two years ago, Michael Stumpf from Imperial College London suggested a second edition in London along the same lines. Michael kindly associated me with the planning of this meeting. It is (logically) called ABC in London (or ... [Read more...]

Rcpp 0.9.1

February 15, 2011 | Thinking inside the box

A new release 0.9.1 of Rcpp went to CRAN and Debian yesterday. This version contains mostly bug-fixes and rather few enhancements. The changes are mostly 'internal fixes' and not user-facing; they mostly address some issues in memory management w... [Read more...]

R 2.12.2 scheduled for February 25

February 15, 2011 | David Smith

The next release of R is scheduled for release February 25, and R 2.12.2 will likely be the final bug-fix release of the 2.12 series before R 2.13 is released in April. According to the NEWS file in the latest daily build, 2.12.2 will improve complex-arithmetic support on some rare platforms that don't support complex ... [Read more...]
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