
The Register profiles Revolution Analytics

March 23, 2011 | David Smith

Tech news site The Register has just published an in-depth profile of Revolution Analytics. It was great meeting the author Dan Olds at Revolution HQ a couple of weeks ago, and sharing with him why we think the R language is the way forward for data science: modern, applied, large-scale ... [Read more...]

Graphical Display of R Package Dependencies

March 23, 2011 | csgillespie

In some work that I am currently involved in, we have to decide which GUI engine we should use. As an obvious starter, we decided to have a look at what other people are using in their packages. While cran helpfully displays all the R packages that are available, it ... [Read more...]

Code: extended model support for mtable

March 22, 2011 | Jason

I finally got around to organizing and packaging my complete set of extended model support for mtable in Martin Elff’s memisc library. Here is a list of the models supported: coxph, survreg – Cox proportional hazards models and parametric survival … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Free and Easy Currency Monitor in R

March 22, 2011 | klr

Certainly not the best way to keep up with currencies, but the increasingly important job of monitoring currencies can be free and easy in R using Federal Reserve FRED data.  Here is a template that can be adjusted to your favorite currencies with...
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A Short Side-by-side Comparison of the R and NumPy Array Types

March 22, 2011 | BioStatMatt

Feature NumPy R contiguous (virtual) memory ✔ ✔ 'view' memory model ✔ ✘ subset-assignment ✔ ✔ vectorized operations ✔ ✔ memory-mapping ✔ ✘* broadcasting rules ✔ ✔ index arrays ✔ ✔ This comparison is current as of R 2.13.0, NumPy version 1.4.1, and other web resources to date. Because this post was motivated by a [...] [Read more...]

data.table: an R package everyone should use

March 22, 2011 | Jason

I’m not sure how I missed this package, but I am sure glad I’ve found it. The data.table package for R provides something of a reconceptualization of the standard data.frame object. Though it remains (mostly) compatible with data.frame. The advantage … Continue reading → [Read more...]

Correlation network

March 22, 2011 | Dzidorius Martinaitis

I came up with an idea to draw correlation network to get a grasp about relationship between a list of stocks. An alternative way to show correlation matrix would be head map, which can have limitations with big matrices (__100). Unfortunately,  ggplot2 package doesn’t have a easy way to draw ... [Read more...]

Example 8.31: Choropleth maps

March 22, 2011 | Ken Kleinman

In our book, we show a simple example of a map (section 6.4.2) where we read the boundary files as data sets and use SAS and R to plot them. But both SAS and R have complex functionality for using pre-compiled map data. To demonstrate them, we'll sho...
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Machine Learning Ex2 – Linear Regression

March 22, 2011 | R on Guangchuang Yu

Thanks to this post, I found OpenClassroom. In addition, thanks to Andrew Ng and his lectures, I took my first course in machine learning. These videos are quite easy to follow. Exercise 2 requires implementing gradient descent algorithm to model data with linear regression. Read More: 243 Words Totally [Read more...]

JCGS 20th anniversary

March 22, 2011 | xi'an

For its 20th anniversary, JCGS offers free access to papers, including Andrew’s discussion paper Why tables are really much better than graphs. (Another serious ending for an April fool joke!) Incidentally (or rather coincidentally), I received today the great news that our Using parallel computation to improve Independent Metropolis-Hastings ... [Read more...]

Statistics forum

March 21, 2011 | xi'an

The ASA is launching a new blog called the Statistics Forum, managed by Andrew Gelman and to which I will periodically contribute items that may induce some amount of discussion within the community, like the first entry by Michael Lavine on testing. (Meaning I will double-post on the Og and ...
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A 3D Version of R’s curve() Function

March 21, 2011 | John Myles White

I like exploring the behavior of functions of a single variable using the curve() function in R. One thing that seems to be missing from R’s base functions is a tool for exploring functions of two variables. I asked for examples of such a function on Twitter today and ...
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Machine Learning Ex5.2 – Regularized Logistic Regression

March 20, 2011 | al3xandr3

Exercise 5.2 Improves the Logistic Regression implementation done in Exercise 4 by adding a regularization parameter that reduces the problem of over-fitting. We will be using Newton's Method. Data Here's the data we want to fit. # linear regression # load the data mydata = read.csv("http://spreadsheets.google.com/pub?key=0AnypY27pPCJydHZPN2... [Read more...]

Some upcoming R courses

March 18, 2011 | David Smith

A couple of quick notes about some upcoming R courses: In Vancouver, Canada, R trainer Isabella Ghement is presenting two R courses: An Introduction to the Statistical Software Package R, 8:30am-4:30pm, March 30-31, 2011, Vancouver, B.C., Canada (http://www.ghement.ca/RworkshopMarch30and31_2011.html) Advanced Statistical Modeling Using the ... [Read more...]

Machine Learning Ex5.1 – Regularized Linear Regression

March 18, 2011 | al3xandr3

Exercise 5.1 Improves the Linear Regression implementation done in Exercise 3 by adding a regularization parameter that reduces the problem of over-fitting. Over-fitting occurs especially when fitting a high-order polynomial, that we will try to do here. Data Here's the points we will make a model from: # linear regression mydata = read.csv("... [Read more...]
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