
Time series

March 28, 2011 | xi'an

(This post got published on The Statistics Forum yesterday.) The short book review section of the International Statistical Review sent me Raquel Prado’s and Mike West’s book, Time Series (Modeling, Computation, and Inference) to review. The current post is not about this specific book, but rather on why ... [Read more...]

Volatility Violins

March 28, 2011 | Milk Trader

Unlike many humans, markets love change. In fact, they look forward to it with great anticipation. Regular people like stability, for the most part. Unless you're a career gypsy, you like to stay in one place for some time. Making a home. Settling in, ...
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The devil of overfitting

March 27, 2011 | Pat

Overfitting is a problem when trying to predict financial returns.  Perhaps you’ve heard that before.  Some simple examples should clarify what overfitting is — and may surprise you. Polynomials Let’s suppose that the true expected return over a period of time is described by a polynomial. We can easily ... [Read more...]

R-bloggers: I’m syndicated!

March 27, 2011 | Jason

Today Left Censored became a contributor to R-Bloggers. If you’ve never heard of it, R-Bloggers is a blog aggregator that brings together R-related posts from a large number of blogs across the Internet. It’s an excellent resource for those who … Continue reading → [Read more...]

R [re-]exam

March 27, 2011 | xi'an

In what seems like an endless cuRse, I found this week I had to re-grade a dozen R exams a TA’s did not grade properly! The grades I (X) got are plotted below against those of my TA (Y). There is little connection between both gradings… As if this ... [Read more...]

R Matrix Operations

March 27, 2011 | Ralph

R can be used to perform various matrix calculations. This include functions for creating matrices (matrix), addition (+), multiplication (%*%) and inversion (solve). Fast Tube by Casper Other useful resources are provided on the Supplementary Material... [Read more...]

R-ecap [-16]

March 26, 2011 | xi'an

This morning, I noticed that none of my R related posts had appeared on R-bloggers for the past fortnight… After investigating, this was caused by…cut-and-paste! Indeed, when advertising about the special issue of TOMACS Arnaud Doucet and I edit about Monte Carlo methods in Statistics, I copied the main ... [Read more...]

clusterProfiler in Bioconductor 2.8

March 26, 2011 | R on Guangchuang Yu

In recently years, high-throughput experimental techniques such as microarray and mass spectrometry can identify many lists of genes and gene products. The most widely used strategy for high-throughput data analysis is to identify different gene clusters based on their expression profiles. Another commonly used approach is to annotate these genes ... [Read more...]

“An R package” or “A R package”

March 26, 2011 | csgillespie

I’m currently writing some lecture notes on R and I used the phrase “a R package” without thinking. Since the word following the article “a” was a consonant, I automatically went for “a” instead of “an”. The problem is that “R” sounds likes a vowel, so “a R package” ... [Read more...]

solaR 0.22 is at CRAN

March 26, 2011 | Oscar Perpiñán Lamigueiro

The version 0.22 of solaR is now available at CRAN. Besides, solaR is now registered at R-Forge. A new mergesolaR method has been defined for merging solaR objects. The calculation of the sunset time has been improved. The voltage dependency of the efficiency curve of the inverter is now included in ... [Read more...]

A Request for Foursquare Data

March 25, 2011 | John Myles White

[UPDATE 3/28/2011: Fixed an enormous bug in the R code.] I’m trying to collect data sets that showcase how the classical statistical distributions appear in modern contexts. I’ve already got some data that shows how the gamma distribution appears in video game scores, and now I’m hoping to ... [Read more...]

basic ggplot2 network graphs – ver2

March 23, 2011 | Scott Chamberlain

I posted last week a simple function to plot networks using ggplot2 package. Here is version 2. I still need to work on figuring out efficient vertex placement.Changes in version 2:-You have one of three options: use an igraph object, a matrix, or a da...
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RcppArmadillo 0.2.17

March 23, 2011 | Thinking inside the box

Another release (1.1.90) by Conrad Sanderson for his wonderful Armadillo templated C++ library for linear algebra appeared yesterday. Consequently, a new release 0.2.17 of RcppArmadillo, our Rcpp-based integration into R is now on CRAN mirrors. The... [Read more...]
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