
Algorithm Whisperer

April 6, 2011 | Milk Trader

I was staring at my favorite trading algorithm the other day and I could swear it wanted to tell me something. I've made contact with it in the past, but our conversations pretty much ran along the lines of "What position are you in the market?" to whi...
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RcppGSL 0.1.1

April 6, 2011 | Thinking inside the box

A pure maintenance release of RcppGSL---our interface package between R and the GNU GSL using our Rcpp package for seamless R and C++ integration---is now on CRAN It contains no new code, but smoothes one or two edges in the build process and noti... [Read more...]


April 6, 2011 | BioStatMatt

A recent R-help post asks for examples of Sweave use for web appliations. I think there is very little out there; maybe nothing. Below is a proof of concept for web-based Sweave-ing with rApache. But, it will soon be possible to do this with R's built-in web server. The idea ... [Read more...]

Using rApache for Web Services

April 5, 2011 | awaiting assimilation

Ran across a technical report I wrote in April 2009 regarding my work linking REDCap with rApache. Here’s the introductory text and a link to the original report (note that way back then I was calling it Rapache - now it’s rApache - don’t ask): ... [Read more...]

Rcpp 0.9.3

April 5, 2011 | Thinking inside the box

A brand new and shiny 0.9.3 release of Rcpp is now on CRAN and Debian. This version contains an actual bug fix for Rcpp modules and a few build improvements, including for both clang/llvm and g++-4.6 (which, being in Debian, is already used for c... [Read more...]

R 101: Vectors

April 4, 2011 | Mathew Analytics LLC » R

Vectors are a basic data structure in R and are created using the c() function. Unlike data frames and lists, the elements of a vector must be of the same mode. Functions can be used on a vector. For example, length(x) can be used to find the number of ... [Read more...]

Book: ggplot2 by Hadley Wickham

April 4, 2011 | Dzidorius Martinaitis

All my recent plots are built using ggplot2 package. I don’t know if my dear readers have noticed the difference, but from my point of view, ggplot2 allows to create nice looking and aesthetics plots. I was using this package before, but the real boost came after reading this ... [Read more...]

RQuantLib 0.3.7

April 4, 2011 | Thinking inside the box

A build-fix release RQuantLib 0.3.7 is now on CRAN and in Debian. RQuantLib combines (some of) the quantitative analytics of QuantLib with the R statistical computing environment and language. Thanks to the help by Brian Ripley (who compiled Quan... [Read more...]

RcppArmadillo 0.2.18

April 4, 2011 | Thinking inside the box

Conrad Sanderson made a bug-fix release (1.1.92) by for his wonderful Armadillo templated C++ library for linear algebra appeared yesterday and as usual a new release 0.2.18 of RcppArmadillo, our Rcpp-based integration into R is now on CRAN mirrors. ... [Read more...]

Feed Your (Machine) Brain

April 3, 2011 | Milk Trader

Few can tell you what goes into a chicken nugget, but most will agree that it's good for your brain. If you're a little sluggish and can't focus, what do you normally do? That's right, you pop a couple chicken nuggets. And similar to our brains, our al...
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Maps of solar radiation

April 2, 2011 | Oscar Perpiñán Lamigueiro

The Atmospheric Science Data Center (ASDC) at NASA Langley Research Center offers several data sources. For example, it is possible to download a text file with the 22-year (July 1983 – June 2005) monthly and annual average of global horizontal irradiation. nasafile [Read more...]

Phylometa from R – UDPATE

April 1, 2011 | Scott Chamberlain

A while back I posted some messy code to run Phylometa from R, especially useful for processing the output data from Phylometa which is not easily done. The code is still quite messy, but it should work now. I have run the code with tens of different d...
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