
Madrid R User Group, A Brief History

March 9, 2017 | R Views

(Editors note: A Spanish verison of the post follows the English text) In the first meeting we were 5, now we are consistently over 60. It was not difficult for us to start up the group of users of R of Madrid. Gregorio Serrano, Carlos Gil Bellosta, Pedro Concejero and I started ... [Read more...]

Interactive Maps and ETF Analysis

March 7, 2017 | R Views

In this post, I’ll describe a Shiny app to support the Emerging Markets ETF Country Exposure analysis developed in a previous post I have done some additional work and updated the analysis to include five ETFs in the app, whereas we originally imported data on 1 ETF. The new notebook ... [Read more...]

R 3.3.3 now available

March 6, 2017 | David Smith

The R core group announced today the release of R 3.3.3 (code-name: "Another Canoe"). As the wrap-up release of the R 3.3 series, this update mainly contains minor bug-fixes. (Bigger changes are planned for R 3.4.0, expected in mid-April.) Binaries for the Windows version are already up on the CRAN master site, and ... [Read more...]

Live Event: Blogging for Data Scientists

February 6, 2017 | Ari Lamstein

This Thursday at 10am I will be doing a live event with John Sonmez, the founder of SimpleProgrammer. The presentation is titled Blogging for Data Scientists. John... The post Live Event: Blogging for Data Scientists appeared first on AriLamstein.com.
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Quant Screening Backtesting: Turnaround Stocks

February 3, 2017 | Carlos Salas Najera

Introduction: What are turnaround stocks? Turnaround investing is the process of looking for investment opportunities in down-and-out companies that are poised to experience a financial recovery. […] The post Quant Screening Backtesting: Turnaround Stocks appeared first on NYC Data Science Academy Blog. [Read more...]

Visualization of MRI data in R

January 27, 2017 | Alexej's blog

Lately I was getting a little bored with genomic data (and then TCGA2STAT started to give me a segfault on my university’s high performance computing facility too :stuck_out_tongue:). So I decided to analyze some brain imaging data that I had lying a... [Read more...]

Call to Join Forwards

January 13, 2017 | Blog on FORWARDS

Forwards, the R Foundation taskforce on women and other under-represented groups, is seeking to address issues affecting under-represented groups in general as it works to broaden the participation of women in the R community. In order to adequately address such issues, we would like to widen the diversity of the ... [Read more...]

A new `subprocess` package for R

November 29, 2016 | Lukasz

Here’s a new package that brings to R new API to handle child processes – similar to how Python handles them. Unlike the already available system() and system2() calls from the base package or the mclapply() function from the parallel package, this new API is aimed at handling long-lived child ... [Read more...]

Predict Blood Donation -warmup

August 28, 2016 | Ashish

Continuing from my previous post, in this post I will discuss on the inferential and predictive analysis. About the dataset and the problem to solve: a brief The dataset is derived from UCI Machine learning repository and the task is to predict if a donor has donated blood in March 2007 (1 ...
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TLS for RStudio and Shiny using Let’s Encrypt

July 14, 2016 | Brandon Bertelsen

Below is a very simple way to have https connections for the open source version of RStudio Server and Shiny Server. sudo apt-get install docker sudo apt-get install python-pip sudo pip install docker-compose Now, in your user directory, create a text file using your preferred text editor, called docker-compose.yml [Read more...]

I don’t care about that lost unit

June 4, 2016 | Andrés Gutiérrez

Just assume that you have planned a survey along with the necessary sample size to obtain representativity. Let’s suppose the sample size is 100. However, as nonresponse is always present, unfortunately your effective sample size is 99. Consider the...
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My first R package on CRAN

May 11, 2016 | Alexej's blog

A couple of weeks ago I have released my first R package on CRAN. For me it turned out to be a far less painful process than many people on the internet portray it to be (even though the package uses quite a lot of C++ code via Rcpp and ... [Read more...]
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