
KDnuggets: R used in 1 in 4 analytics projects

May 24, 2011 | David Smith

The most recent KDnuggets poll asked, "Which data mining/analytic tools you used in the past 12 months for a real project". Amongst all commercial and open-source tools, open-source R was the second most-frequently cited, by 23.3% or about 1 in 4 respondents. (The most frequent was the open-source data mining tool, RapidMiner.) See ... [Read more...]

Participate in the 2011 Rexer Data Mining Survey

May 23, 2011 | David Smith

Last year's Rexer Data Mining Survey reported that R is used by more data miners than any other tool. If you're using R for data mining or data analysis generally, be counted at the 2011 Data Miner Survey (use access code: RL3X2), which closes in early June. Here's some background ... [Read more...]

News about speeding R up

May 23, 2011 | xi'an

The most visited post ever on the ‘Og was In{s}a(ne), my report on Radford Neal’s experiments with speeding up R by using different brackets (the second most populat was Ross Ihaka’s comments, “simply start over and build something better”). I just spotted two new entries ... [Read more...]

Quantifying gravitational lensing by dark matter

May 23, 2011 | David Smith

The latest prediction competition at Kaggle is literally "out of this world": the goal is to quantify the shape of 2-D images of galaxies from a simulated telescope, to test models for how invisible dark matter in the Universe distorts the images through gravitational lensing (as shown in the image ... [Read more...]

Utility Spread and Financial Turbulence

May 23, 2011 | klr

THIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE.  YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN GAINS AND LOSSES. In Long XLU Short SPY Part 2 (More History), I explored the defensive nature of the spread and its potential as a bond substitute in troublesome periods for stocks...
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Specific differences between Ledoit-Wolf and factor models

May 22, 2011 | Pat

What can we learn about the difference in structure between a Ledoit-Wolf variance matrix and a corresponding factor model variance? Previously We’ve generated a set of random portfolios with constraints on the risk fractions of a Ledoit-Wolf variance matrix, and a corresponding set of random portfolios with risk fraction ... [Read more...]

Terry’s spiel

May 22, 2011 | xi'an

“We don’t need likelihood functions; we just need to know how to simulate from [them] (…) We don’t need models with sufficient statistics; we just need summary statistics (…) We don’t need to be Bayesian; we just need to be approximately so. We don’t need theory to tell ... [Read more...]

Long XLU Short SPY Part 2 (More History)

May 20, 2011 | klr

THIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE.  YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN GAINS AND LOSSES. The Fed is on a roll adding BAC ML Bond Indicies and now complete history for the four primary Dow Jones Indexes, so I wanted to extend my first post Long XLU Shor...
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Hacking the Kinect with R

May 20, 2011 | David Smith

I was browsing through the draft abstract booklet for this year's worldwide R user conference useR! 2011, and noticed this abstract: KinectR – Kinect interface to R Landon Jensen Microsoft launched the Kinect for Xbox 360 in late 2010 and it quickly broke records as the fastest selling consumer electronics device in history (8 million ... [Read more...]

Long XLU Short SPY

May 20, 2011 | klr

THIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE.  YOU ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR YOUR OWN GAINS AND LOSSES. I spend my days and nights wondering what a bond manager should do if he/she doesn’t like bonds, but also cannot sit in 0% cash.  I generally dislike spreads...
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Spreads and Stress

May 20, 2011 | klr

Since we have the Gifts from BAC ML and the Federal Reserve, I thought I should look at another interesting element of bonds.  Bond spreads act as a very strong symbol of financial stability and confidence.  The St. Louis Fed Stress Index is ...
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Great circles, raster, sp and lattice

May 20, 2011 | Oscar Perpiñán Lamigueiro

Recently I found a post at FlowingData with a detailed tutorial to map connections with great circles with R. The tutorial of FlowingData is excellent, but I feel more comfortable with the sp classes and methods, and with the lattice and latticeExtra packages. Besides, I want to use the free ... [Read more...]

Syntax highlighting of R code at WordPress.com

May 20, 2011 | nsaunders

If your WordPress blog is hosted at WordPress.com (like this one), you may know that source code in posts is formatted and highlighted using a shortcode, as explained here. Until recently, R was not on the list of supported languages (neither was Perl), but I noticed today that both ... [Read more...]

[Project Euler] – Problem 57

May 19, 2011 | R on Guangchuang Yu

It is possible to show that the square root of two can be expressed as an infinite continued fraction. √ 2 = 1 + 1/(2 + 1/(2 + 1/(2 + … ))) = 1.414213… By expanding this for the first four iterations, we get: Read More: 547 Words Totally [Read more...]

Friday fun with: Google Trends

May 19, 2011 | nsaunders

Some years ago, Google discovered that when people are concerned about influenza, they search for flu-related information and that to some extent, search traffic is an indicator of flu activity. Google Flu Trends was born. Illness is sweeping through our department this week and I have succumbed. It’s not ... [Read more...]

Mapping locations in R with the Data Science Toolkit

May 18, 2011 | David Smith

Pete Warden's Data Science Toolkit (which we mentioned briefly last week) is an open-source information server that provides an API you can query for information useful for building data science applications, like identifying proper names in unstructured text, or converting IP addresses to lat/long coordinates. You can make queries ... [Read more...]

Wonderful New Blog TimeSeriesIreland

May 18, 2011 | klr

I returned from Scotland to find a wonderful new blog from Ireland http://timeseriesireland.wordpress.com.  To highlight his work, I thought I would apply his most recent post AIB Stock Price, EGARCH-M, and rgarch to the S&P 500.  Clearly...
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