
Minor update to Vegan (1.17-10)

June 1, 2011 | ucfagls

I overlooked blogging about this at the time, but Jari released a minor update to our Vegan package to fix a few issues following release of R 2.13-0. As far as the user is concerned, this mainly affects capscale(). metaMDSrotate(), … Continue reading → [Read more...]

A dubious statistics

May 31, 2011 | xi'an

Following a link on R-bloggers, I ended up on this page (with a completely useless graph that only contained the pieces of information 5% in 1900 and 55% in 2000). The author (Ralph Keeney) reports on “A remarkable 55 percent of deaths for people age 15 to 64 can be attributed to decisions with readily [...] [Read more...]

Overoptimizing Chicago Fed

May 31, 2011 | klr

THIS SHOULD BE OBVIOUS THROUGHOUT THE POST BUT THIS IS NOT INVESTMENT ADVICE.  PLEASE DO NOT FOLLOW THIS SYSTEM AS IT COULD RESULT IN SERIOUS LOSSES. One of the perils of system-building is the tendency to unintentionally overoptimize by playing/r...
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digest 0.5.0

May 30, 2011 | Thinking inside the box

A new version of the digest package (which generates hash function summaries for arbitrary (and possibly nested) R objects using any of the standard md5, sha-1, sha-256 or crc32 algorithms) is now on CRAN. Thanks to a patch by Mario Frasca, digest ... [Read more...]

Searching for inaccurate literals in R

May 29, 2011 | Derek-Jones

In creating the numbers tool I wanted to be able to do two things, 1) obtain information about what source did by matching the numeric literals it contained against a database of ‘interesting’ values (now with over 14,000 entries) and 2) flag possible incorrect numeric literals (e.g., 3.1459265 when 3.14159265 had been intended in ... [Read more...]

Comparing HoltWinters() and ets()

May 29, 2011 | Rob J Hyndman

I received this email today: I have a question about the ets() function in R, which I am trying to use for Holt-Winters exponential smoothing. My problem is that I am getting very different estimates of the alpha, beta and gamma parameters using ets() compared to HoltWinters(), and I can’... [Read more...]

RcppArmadillo 0.2.21

May 28, 2011 | Thinking inside the box

Following up Conrad's 1.99.2 release (in RcppArmadillo 0.2.20), we now have Armadillo 1.99.3 en route to the upcoming 2.0.0 release. Armadillo is a templated C++ library for linear algebra---which RcppArmadillo brings to R based on our Rcpp library... [Read more...]

Handling Errors Gracefully

May 27, 2011 | Ralph

In R functions sometimes produces warnings or errors. In the case of errors execution of a function or a series of commands can get halted when an error occurs, which can in some cases be frustrating especially if we want to continue our calculations. There are various functions available in ... [Read more...]

Norvig and the Nature of Modern Science

May 27, 2011 | John Myles White

In this, Chomsky is in complete agreement with O’Reilly. (I recognize that the previous sentence would have an extremely low probability in a probabilistic model trained on a newspaper or TV corpus.)1 Anyone who considers themself an intellectual should be required to read this new essay by Peter Norvig. ... [Read more...]

Hammersley and Handscomb 1964 on line

May 26, 2011 | xi'an

Through the webpage of the Advanced Monte Carlo Methods I & II, given a few years ago by Michael Mascagni at ETH Zürich, I found a link to the scanned version of the 1964 book Monte Carlo Methods by Hammersley and Handscomb. This is a short book, with less than 150 pages, ... [Read more...]

Clustering with Currencies and Fidelity Funds

May 26, 2011 | klr

Great news came yesterday with the release of the R In Finance 2011 Presentations.  I must attend next year after seeing all that I missed.  The Iacus: Statistical Analysis of Financial Time Series and Option Pricing in R (pdf) presentation o...
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another look at CRAN Task Views

May 26, 2011 | Nick Horton

We've been impressed with how helpful the CRAN Task Views are in guiding us in R as we wend our way through the huge number of add-on packages (3021 as of May, 2011). These are web pages that are maintained by volunteers with expertise in a specified ...
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RcppArmadillo 0.2.20

May 26, 2011 | Thinking inside the box

Conrad Sanderson is preparing version 2.0.0 of his Armadillo templated C++ library for linear algebra and has released a first public beta version 1.99.2. This has been folded into a new release of the RcppArmadillo wrapper for R based on our Rcpp li... [Read more...]

Sweave and pgfSweave in LyX 2.0.x (experimental)

May 25, 2011 | Yihui Xie

bout half a year ago, I wrote a post on the configuration of (pgf)Sweave and LyX, which was intended to save us some efforts in going through all the details during the configuration. Now many things have changed: LyX 2.0 has internal support for Sweave, and fortunately I have been ... [Read more...]
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