Articles by xi'an


September 5, 2010 | xi'an

Having missed the earliest entry by Radford last month, due to disconnection in Yosemite, I was stunned to read his three entries of the past month about R performances being significantly modify when changing brackets with curly brackets! I (obviously!) checked on my own machine and found indeed the changes ... [Read more...]

NIPS 2010: Monte Carlo workshop

September 3, 2010 | xi'an

In the wake of the main machine learning NIPS 2010 meeting in Vancouver, Dec. 6-9 2010, there will be a very interesting workshop organised by Ryan Adams, Mark Girolami, and Iain Murray on Monte Carlo Methods for Bayesian Inference in Modern Day Applications, on Dec. 10. (And in Whistler, not Vancouver!) I wish ... [Read more...]


September 2, 2010 | xi'an

A collective blog has been started by the statistics students and postdocs at CREST, in the wake of the Valencia meeting. It is called Statisfaction. (The Rolling Stones of Statistics?! Actually, Andrew Gelman also has a post with that title… And it is even part of the Urban Dictionnary!) Since ... [Read more...]

Stochastic approximation in Bristol

September 2, 2010 | xi'an

This is very short notice, but for those in the vicinity and not at the RSS conference, there is a highly interesting workshop taking place in Bristol in ten days (I would certainly have gone, had I not been at the same time in Banff!): We would like to invite ... [Read more...]

Random dive MH

September 1, 2010 | xi'an

A new Metropolis-Hastings algorithm that I would call “universal” was posted by Somak Dutta yesterday on arXiv. Multiplicative random walk Metropolis-Hastings on the real line contains a different Metropolis-Hastings algorithm called the random dive. The proposed new value x’ given the current value x is defined by when is a ... [Read more...]

Hyper-g priors

August 30, 2010 | xi'an

Earlier this month, Daniel Sabanés Bové and Leo Held posted a paper about g-priors on arXiv. While I glanced at it for a few minutes, I did not have the chance to get a proper look at it till last Sunday. The g-prior was first introduced by the late ... [Read more...]

Beta translation done!

August 29, 2010 | xi'an

Once my team of four translators had handed back to me all the chapters of the French version of Introducing Monte Carlo Methods with R to me, I had to go over the book to ensure some minimal consistency between the chapters. I started the editing in the plane to ... [Read more...]

Julian Besag 1945-2010

August 7, 2010 | xi'an

I have just learned that Julian Besag passed away last morning in Bristol after being admitted to the hospital two weeks ago. He was a leading figure of our field, a fiercely independent thinker, a brilliant statistician, and undoubtedly the clearest pretendent to having fathered MCMC. His influence on the ... [Read more...]

Recent arXiv postings

August 4, 2010 | xi'an

With too little time, too many things to do on my plate, here are some recent arXiv postings I won’t have time to comment: Adaptive Monte Carlo on multivariate binary sampling spaces. (arXiv:1008.0055v1) Mixture Decomposition of Distributions using a Decomposition of the Sample Space. (arXiv:1008.0204v1) Bayesian Model ... [Read more...]

JSM 2010 [day 3]

August 4, 2010 | xi'an

The same pattern as yesterday occurred, namely that the sessions that most interested me were all together at the 10:30 and 2pm slots, while there was no talk (besides the official ones) after 4pm… After another run around Stanley Park, I took the opportunity of being late for the first session ...
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JSM 2010 [day 2]

August 3, 2010 | xi'an

After a very good early run in Stanley Park, I went to a morning session on new statistical challenges in genetics, but unfortunately could not keep focussed enough (due to a very short night, still being not tuned to Pacific time!) so I ended up chatting with Sid Chib at ...
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JSM 2010 [day 1]

August 2, 2010 | xi'an

The first day at JSM is always a bit sluggish, as people slowly drip in and get their bearings. Similar to last year in Washington D.C., the meeting takes place in a huge conference centre and thus there is no feeling of overcrowded [so far]. It may also be ...
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StatProb [wiki]

July 31, 2010 | xi'an

Via the [financial and technical] support of Springer, probability and statistics societies are launching a specialised wiki called StatProb. It operates as a wiki in that authors can submit short articles on any topic, with further co-authors joining in later to improve those articles, but with the contents guaranteed via ...
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July 29, 2010 | xi'an

A most interesting paper by Adrian Raftery and Le Bao appeared in the Early View section of Biometrics.  It aims at better predictions for HIV prevalence—in the original UNAIDS implementation, a naïve SIR procedure was used, based on the prior as importance function, which sometimes resulted in terrible ...
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A summer of books

July 27, 2010 | xi'an

The summer started with a research in pair session in CiRM on the R edition of Bayesian Core, but I am also involved two other book projects. The first one was mentioned in a previous post, namely the translation of Introducing Monte Carlo Methods with R into French. I have ...
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Asher’s enigma

July 25, 2010 | xi'an

On his Probability and statistics blog, Matt Asher put a funny question (with my rephrasing): Take a unit square. Now pick two spots at random along the perimeter, uniformly. For each of these two locations, pick another random point from one of the three other sides of the square and ... [Read more...]

Bugs [genuine]

July 21, 2010 | xi'an

Nothing related with programming, I am afraid! Just a few bugs visiting my passion vine… I find the green bugs quite interesting with their back “engravings”, even though they are most likely pests … Filed under: pictures, ...
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The wonderful world of vim

July 20, 2010 | xi'an

When searching for a way to recover control carriage return symbols ^M into genuine ones (under vim), I found this handy page of vim tips. And then saw that the enthusiastic author had even a blog about vim! Obviously, this post will be meaningless for all readers not aware of ... [Read more...]

CoRe in CiRM [end]

July 17, 2010 | xi'an

Back home after those two weeks in CiRM for our “research in pair” invitation to work on the new edition of Bayesian Core, I am very grateful for the support we received from CiRM and through it from SMF and CNRS. Being “locked” away in such a remote place brought ...
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CoRe in CiRM [6]

July 15, 2010 | xi'an

This is the last day at CiRM for our “research in pair” working on the new edition of Bayesian Core. I mostly completed the revision of the chapter on Bayesian imaging, including stuff on Markov random fields and mainly on ABC algorithms. All that remains to be done about this ...
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