Articles by xi'an


June 3, 2017 | xi'an

A few weeks ago and then some, I [as occasional blogger!] got contacted by to write a piece on this data-sharing platform. I then went and checked what this was all about, having the vague impression this was a platform where I could store and tun R codes, ... [Read more...]

continental divide

May 18, 2017 | xi'an

While the Riddler puzzle this week was anticlimactic,  as it meant filling all digits in the above division towards a null remainder, it came as an interesting illustration of how different division is taught in the US versus France: when I saw the picture above, I had to go and ...
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Le Monde puzzle [#1006]

May 2, 2017 | xi'an

Once the pseudo-story [noise] removed, a linear programming Le Monde mathematical puzzle: For the integer linear programming problem max 2x¹+2x²+x³+…+x¹⁰ under the constraints x¹__x²+x³, x²__x³+x⁴, …, x⁹__x¹⁰+x¹, x¹⁰__x¹+x² find a solution with the maximal number of positive entries. Expressed this ...
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a secretary problem with maximum ability

April 27, 2017 | xi'an

The Riddler of today has a secretary problem, where one measures sequentially N random variables until one deems the current variable to be the largest of the whole sample. The classical secretary problem has a counter-intuitive solution where one first measures N/e random variables without taking any decision and ... [Read more...]

Le Monde puzzle [#1003]

April 17, 2017 | xi'an

A purely arithmetic Le Monde mathematical puzzle: Find the four integers w, x, y, z such that the four smallest pairwise sums among the six pairwise sums are 59, 65, 66, and 69. Similarly, find the four smallest of the five integers v, x, y, z such that the five smallest pairwise sums among ...
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optimultiplication [a riddle]

April 13, 2017 | xi'an

The riddle of this week is about an optimisation of positioning the four digits of a multiplication of two numbers with two digits each and is open to a coding resolution: Four digits are drawn without replacement from {0,1,…,9}, one at a time. What is the optimal strategy to position those ... [Read more...]

Statlearn17, Lyon

April 6, 2017 | xi'an

Today and tomorrow, I am attending the Statlearn17 conference in Lyon, France. Which is a workshop with one-hour talks on statistics and machine learning. And which makes for the second workshop on machine learning in two weeks! Yesterday there were two tutorials in R, but I only took the train ... [Read more...]

Le Monde puzzle [#1002]

April 3, 2017 | xi'an

For once and only because it is part of this competition, a geometric Le Monde mathematical puzzle: Given both diagonals of lengths p=105 and q=116, what is the parallelogram with the largest area? and when the perimeter is furthermore constrained to be L=290? This made me jump right away to ...
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Le Monde puzzle [#1000…1025]

March 27, 2017 | xi'an

Le Monde mathematical puzzle launched a competition to celebrate its 1000th puzzle! A fairly long-term competition as it runs over the 25 coming puzzles (and hence weeks). Starting with puzzle #1001. Here is the 1000th puzzle, not part of the competition: Alice & Bob spend five (identical) vouchers in five different shops, each ...
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Le Monde puzzle [#1001]

March 26, 2017 | xi'an

After a long lag (due to my missing the free copies distributed at Paris-Dauphine!), here is a Sudoku-like Le Monde mathematical puzzle: A grid of size (n,n) holds integer values such that any entry larger than 1 is the sum of one term in the same column and one term ...
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what does more efficient Monte Carlo mean?

March 16, 2017 | xi'an

“I was just thinking that there might be a magic trick to simulate directly from this distribution without having to go for less efficient methods.” In a simple question on X validated a few days ago [about simulating from x²φ(x)] popped up the remark that the person asking the ...
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Peter Lee (1940?-2017)

March 11, 2017 | xi'an

Just heard the sad news that Peter Lee, British Bayesian and author of Bayesian Statistics: An Introduction, has passed away yesterday night. While I did not know him, I remember meeting him at a few conferences in the UK and spending an hilarious evening at the pub. When the book ... [Read more...]

testing R code [book review]

February 28, 2017 | xi'an

When I saw this title among the CRC Press novelties, I immediately ordered it as I though it fairly exciting. Now that I have gone through the book, the excitement has died. Maybe faster than need be as I read it while being stuck in a soulless Schipol airport and ...
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a riddle at the end of its tether

February 23, 2017 | xi'an

A simply worded riddle this week on The Riddler, about four ropes having non-uniform and unknown burning rates, the only constraint being they all burn completely in one hour. With the help of a lighter (or even a single match), what are the possible units of time one can measure ... [Read more...]

coauthorship and citation networks

February 20, 2017 | xi'an

As I discovered (!) the Annals of Applied Statistics in my mailbox just prior to taking the local train to Dauphine for the first time in 2017 (!), I started reading it on the way, but did not get any further than the first discussion paper by Pengsheng Ji and Jiashun Jin on ...
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A knapsack riddle [#2]?

February 16, 2017 | xi'an

Still about this allocation riddle of the past week, and still with my confusion about the phrasing of the puzzle, when looking at a probabilistic interpretation of the game, rather than for a given adversary’s y, the problem turns out to search for the maximum of where the Y’...
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a knapsack riddle?

February 12, 2017 | xi'an

The [then current now past] riddle of the week is a sort of multiarmed bandits optimisation. Of sorts. Or rather a generalised knapsack problem. The question is about optimising the allocation of 100 undistinguishable units to 10 distinct boxes against a similarly endowed adversary, when the loss function is and the distribution ...
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an accurate variance approximation

February 6, 2017 | xi'an

In answering a simple question on X validated about producing Monte Carlo estimates of the variance of estimators of exp(-θ) in a Poisson model, I wanted to illustrate the accuracy of these estimates against the theoretical values. While one case was easy, since the estimator was a Binomial B(... [Read more...]

a well-hidden E step

February 2, 2017 | xi'an

A recent question on X validated ended up being quite interesting! The model under consideration is made of parallel Markov chains on a finite state space, all with the same Markov transition matrix, M, which turns into a hidden Markov model when the only summary available is the number of ...
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a typo that went under the radar

January 24, 2017 | xi'an

A chance occurrence on X validated: a question on an incomprehensible formula for Bayesian model choice: which, most unfortunately!, appeared in Bayesian Essentials with R! Eeech! It looks like one line in our LATEX file got erased and the likelihood part in the denominator altogether vanished. Apologies to all readers ... [Read more...]
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