Articles by wilkinsondarren

#15 Alkali Silica Template

February 18, 2013 | wilkinsondarren

Does what it says on the tin. DOWNLOAD THE CODE #------------------------------ #-------- INFORMATION --------- #------------------------------ # Plotting points from Hugh # Rallinson's "Using Geochemical # Data" book. Code compiled by # Darren J. Wilkinson, # Grant Inst. Earth Science # The University of Edinburgh # #------------------------------ # -------- CONTROLS ---------- y.max = 16 ... [Read more...]

#14 A New GGPLOT Template

February 13, 2013 | wilkinsondarren

  So the opts() has now been given the boot, and all the cool kids are using theme() to customise their ggplots. If you’re still on an old version of R then theme() will still work, but if you update (which you should) then it’ll stop working and you’... [Read more...]

#4 R: A powerful tool for the geochemist

June 14, 2012 | wilkinsondarren

  R is an incredibly powerful programming tool used by a large community of people who require an easy to use, light weight, FREE, and fundamentally awesome statistics package! I have recently discovered that R can be used by geologists whose IT skills are often pitied by their more computer literate ... [Read more...]

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