Articles by Tony Hirst

Running R and Debian Linux in the Browser Via WASM

February 17, 2022 | Tony Hirst

A few weeks ago, I noted the appearance of georgestagg/webR, an R distribution compiled to WASM that runs completely in the browser. The environment is served from a simple webserver, and requires no installation of R onto a back-end server or onto your own desktop. Instead, the environment runs ...
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Personally Learning

February 17, 2021 | Tony Hirst

Notes and reflections on a curiosity driven personal learning journey into geo and rasters and animal movement trajectory categorisation and all sorts of things that weren’t the point when I started… Somewhen over the last month or so, I must have noticed a 3D map produced using the rayshader ... [Read more...]

Generative Assessment Creation

May 14, 2018 | Tony Hirst

It’s coming round to that time of year where we have to create the assessment material for courses with an October start date. In many cases, we reuse question forms from previous presentations but change the specific details. If a question is suitably defined, then large parts of this ...
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R HTMLWidgets in Jupyter Notebooks

April 26, 2018 | Tony Hirst

A quick note for displaying R htmlwidgets in Jupyter notebooks without requiring pandoc – there may be a more native way but this acts as a workaround in the meantime if not: PS and from the other side, using reticulate for Python powered Shiny apps.
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Sketch – Data Trivia

April 7, 2018 | Tony Hirst

A bit more tinkering with F1 data from the ergast db, this time trying to generating trivia / facts around races. The facts are identified using SQL queries: Some of the queries also embed query fragments, which I intend to develop further… I'm using knitr to generate Github flavoured markdown (gfm) ... [Read more...]

Tinkering with Competitive Supertimes

April 6, 2018 | Tony Hirst

I’m back on the R thang with F1 data from, and started having a look at how drivers and teams compare at a circuit. One metric I came across for comparing teams over a season is the supertime, typically calculated for each manufacturer as the average of ...
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Note On My Emerging Workflow for Working With Binderhub

December 1, 2017 | Tony Hirst

Yesterday saw the public reboot of Binder / MyBinder (which I first wrote about a couple of years ago here), as reported in The Jupyter project blog post Binder 2.0, a Tech Guide and this practical guide: Introducing Binder 2.0 — share your interactive research environment. For anyone not familiar with Binder / MyBinder, it’... [Read more...]
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