Articles by tomaztsql

Tips for organising your R code

January 30, 2023 | tomaztsql

Keeping your R code organised is not as straightforward as one might think. Just think about the libraries, variables, functions, and many more. All these objects can be defined and later rewritten, some might get obsolete during the process. This…Read more ›
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Little useless-useful R functions – Mandelbrot set

January 4, 2023 | tomaztsql

The Mandelbrot set is a set of complex numbers  c for which the function  does not diverge to infinity when iterate from , and therefore remains bounded in absolute value. For little stretching, we can create a Mandlebrot set and draw it with image function.…Read more ›
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Advent of 2022, Day 13 – Automated ML

December 13, 2022 | tomaztsql

In the series of Azure Machine Learning posts: Automated ML is a no-code automated machine learning task. It iterates over many combinations of algorithms and hyperparameters in order to find the best model for your dataset and your prediction variable(s).…Read more ›
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Using R and Python in Microsoft SQL Server 2022

December 5, 2022 | tomaztsql

In the late November 2022 Microsoft announced, that Microsoft SQL Server 2022 is generally available. New version brings many great features, and upgrades the existing ones. For the purpose of this blog post, I am using a Developer Edition of…Read more ›
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Advent of 2022, Day 1 – What is Azure Machine Learning?

December 1, 2022 | tomaztsql

Azure Machine Learning (or Azure Machine Learning Service and abbreviation AML) is Azure’s cloud service for creating, managing and productionalising machine learning projects. It is a collaborative tool for Data Scientists, Machine Learning Engineers, and data engineers, covering their daily…Read more ›
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