Articles by tomaztsql

Some of the more useful Tidyverse functions

January 1, 2025 | tomaztsql

R functions for every data engineer using Tidyverse Tidyverse has long been an amazing collection of R packages, primarily for data engineering and data science. Common among these packages is the same language grammar, great design and structure, making data…Read more ›
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Schedule generator with R

July 13, 2024 | tomaztsql

This sample R code is an implementation one of possible solutions for generating timetable schedule. The proposed solution is based on methods of evolutionary computing, and it uses (1+1) evolutionary strategy and simulated hardening. The success of solution is estimated…Read more ›
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datasetR – R package for creating datasets

July 13, 2023 | tomaztsql

The datasetR helps you generate a random datasets for your R project. It provides a preset random list of values with different data types (interval, ordinal, nominal values). It includes also a function for imputing a NULL, NA or missing values. Installing…Read more ›
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