Articles by The Jumping Rivers Blog

Getting started with theme()

November 23, 2023 | The Jumping Rivers Blog

The theme() function in {ggplot2} is awesome. Although it’s only one function, it gives you so much control over your final plot. theme() allows us to generate a consistent, in-house style for our graphics, modify the text within our plots and mo...
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SatRdays London 2024

November 14, 2023 | The Jumping Rivers Blog

SatRdays is returning to London on 27th April 2024! We’re collaborating once again with CUSP London to bring SatRdays to the amazing Bush House venue, and we can’t wait to see you there. More information will be released in the coming...
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September 14, 2023 | The Jumping Rivers Blog

Our bags are packed, flights are booked, and we’re ready to head stateside for posit::conf(2023). We’re excited to be sponsoring the event this year, as well as presenting a few talks ...
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Generate multiple presentations with Quarto parameters

July 20, 2023 | The Jumping Rivers Blog

Parameterised reporting is a powerful technique that allows you to create dynamic and customisable reports by incorporating user-defined parameters. These parameters act as placeholders that can be easily modified to generate tailored reports based on specific inputs or conditions, enabling seamless updates to reports without the need for manual modifications. ...
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