Articles by teo

Using R and {paws} to populate DynamoDB tables #2

May 18, 2022 | teo

In our previous post we covered some basics of using the paws SDK to interact with AWS DynamoDB from R. We wrote a few simple functions to prepare R lists in the appropriate format for DynamoDB and some wrappers to put these lists as items in the remote NoSQL database. ... [Read more...]

Building a multi-session {shiny} application with {brochure}

May 9, 2022 | teo

About {brochure} {shiny}, and the closely linked packages like {bslib}, {thematic}, {shinytest}, etc, are a fantastic resource for R programmers that enable building powerful interactive applications. Building on top of these, are some new (and not so new) R packages that that streamline and standardize the development of {shiny} applications. ... [Read more...]

Using R and {paws} to populate DynamoDB tables

April 30, 2022 | teo

R and AWS DynamoDB In recent weeks we’ve been using AWS services for a few our projects. One of the things that came up was to populate DynamoDB tables with data from R. Of course, we didn’t have to do this from R, but most of our data ... [Read more...]

Using {shiny.i18n} with {golem} for server-side translation

May 22, 2021 | teo

In this post we share a useful tidbit we learned while developing the demo for the OpenBudgetMKD application. Like with most projects at Discindo, the OpenBudgetMKD application is based on R and {shiny}. It uses the {bs4Dash} and shinyWidgets for their excellent UI components, is packaged with{golem}, and ... [Read more...]

A guide for reproducible data analysis in Macedonian

December 25, 2020 | teo

2020 has been a sad and difficult year for many and certainly unusual for all of us. For us at Discindo, the adjustments required by limited mobility and closures were not easy, but our work is mostly online and remote anyway, so we are surely much better off than most. One ... [Read more...]

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