Articles by TeachR

Rmd-based Reports with R Code Appendices

October 29, 2020 | TeachR

The PDF file accompanying this post was created by the attached Rmd file. You can see how they work together. If you like this concept, use the Rmd file as a template for your next report! Example Rmd file PDF knit from example Intro R markd... [Read more...]

Rmd-based Reports with R Code Appendices

October 29, 2020 | TeachR

The PDF file accompanying this post was created by the attached Rmd file. You can see how they work together. If you like this concept, use the Rmd file as a template for your next report! Example Rmd file PDF knit from example Intro R markd... [Read more...]

Curried Functions

October 17, 2020 | TeachR

No, we are not talking about dinner, although this post is giving me ideas about what I should have for lunch. To read about what function currying actually means, please see the Wikipedia page. (And while you are there, make a donation already!) Ba... [Read more...]

Curried Functions

October 17, 2020 | TeachR

No, we are not talking about dinner, although this post is giving me ideas about what I should have for lunch. To read about what function currying actually means, please see the Wikipedia page. (And while you are there, make a donation already!) Ba... [Read more...]

Curried Functions

October 17, 2020 | TeachR

No, we are not talking about dinner, although this post is giving me ideas about what I should have for lunch. To read about what function currying actually means, please see the Wikipedia page. (And while you are there, make a donation already!) Ba... [Read more...]

MiKTeX Behind a Windows Firewall

July 20, 2018 | TeachR

I’ve always had problems with MiKTeX on my work computer. I can install it just fine, or get IT to install it, but then the package manager doesn’t work because of our firewall. You can set up a local repository to get around this problem, and I will ... [Read more...]


January 9, 2017 | TeachR

An updated version of my package fancycut is on CRAN. The package has one function, fancycut(), that is more versatile than cut() for certain applications. cut() takes a numeric vector and turns it into a factor or categorical vector. It works best ... [Read more...]

Desktop in the Cloud

August 29, 2016 | TeachR

I just wanted to share the good experience I have had with creating a virtual personal desktop on Paperspace. A few months ago I started researching whether there was anyone out there providing this service. Paperspace came up in the search but their service was not yet available. But, to ... [Read more...]

Safe Loading of RData Files

April 8, 2016 | TeachR

Unless you have configured R not to ask, every time you close R or RStudio you are prompted to save your workspace. This saves an RData file to the working directory. The functions save.image() and save() offer a little more flexibility, but basically do the same thing: they save ... [Read more...]

SQL Server 2016 with R Install

April 2, 2016 | TeachR

I installed the “SQL Server 2016 Release Candidate” today to start playing around with Microsoft is calling “SQL Server R Services (In-Database)”. I think this is really going to change the way we do things at the office and it’s got me really excited. [Read more...]

Fancy Cut

November 29, 2015 | TeachR

About a year ago I was working on an analysis that required me to take about 20 continuous variables and turn each into a factor based on some banding rule. The rules were complicated enough that using cut() was painful. [Read more...]

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