Articles by Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH

An example of using {box}

February 13, 2023 | Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH

Introduction Today I am going to make a short post on the R package {box} which was showcased to me quite nicely by Michael Miles. It was informative and I was able to immediately see the usefulness of the {box} library. So what is ‘box’? Well h... [Read more...]

Off to CRAN! {tidyAML}

February 12, 2023 | Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH

Introduction Are you tired of spending hours tuning and testing different machine learning models for your regression or classification problems? The new R package {tidyAML} is here to simplify the process for you! tidyAML is a simple interface ... [Read more...]

Subsetting Named Lists in R

February 6, 2023 | Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH

Introduction In R, lists are a fundamental data structure that allows us to store multiple objects of different data types under a single name. Often times, we want to extract certain elements of a list based on their names, and this can be acco... [Read more...]

Another Post on Lists

January 19, 2023 | Steven P. Sanderson II, MPH

Introduction Manipulating lists in R is a powerful tool for organizing and analyzing data. Here are a few common ways to manipulate lists: Indexing: Lists can be indexed using square brackets “[ ]” and numeric indices. For example, to access th... [Read more...]
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