Articles by Steven Mosher

Handling .Z files

September 13, 2010 | Steven Mosher

A while back Steve Mcintyre was looking for a way to handle .Z files in R Ron Broberg over at the whiteboard had an approach that steve adopted both for untar and for uncompressing .Z files.  While the approach is slick, its somewhat of a hack. Nothing wrong with that, ... [Read more...]

Raster “Cover” function

September 11, 2010 | Steven Mosher

The last bits of raster are coming together and everything is working so we are getting really close here. Today i will cover the raster function ‘cover’ which robert has just updated to handle a brick function. Lets review the situation with a toy example: First, we read in the ... [Read more...]


September 7, 2010 | Steven Mosher

Wasnt that hard. green is land, blue is sea. new data awaits you. old data taken down For Zeke: Green is landcoast cells, blue is seacoast.  The cells are AREA weighted per cce request but not Fractiionally weighted. That is if a cell is 90% land and 10% water, this weighting is ... [Read more...]


September 6, 2010 | Steven Mosher

UPDATE: cce asked for a chart of coastal locations broken out by their SST component and their Land componement. That’s a little tricky, but once you figure out the mask logic its just addition and such.There are TWO masks: One mask contains ALL zeros, except for coast cells ... [Read more...]

MoshTemp 4.1

September 5, 2010 | Steven Mosher

Replaces 4.0, minor changes made here and there. totally replaces 4.0 as the testing move forward. see 4.1 Run: DownloadAll. Run: DataSetUp. SSTTest reruns the SST analsyis and compares at HADSST2 Land1900Present: reruns the old version of program with a bench against CRU land figures. Next version will integrate more of raster ... [Read more...]


September 4, 2010 | Steven Mosher

UPDATE: Ron Broberg has a more definitive explanation of the difference which indicates that 5sig issue is not the main cause of the difference. See his exposition here CRU, it appears, trims out station data when it lies outside 5 sigma. Well, for certain years where there was actually record cold ... [Read more...]

5 Sigma in CRU

September 4, 2010 | Steven Mosher

UPDATE: Ron Broberg has a more definitive explanation of the difference which indicates that 5sig issue is not the main cause of the difference. See his exposition here A short update. I’m in the process of integration the Land Analysis and the SST analysis into one application. The principle ... [Read more...]


September 3, 2010 | Steven Mosher

Now that SST has been processed with raster we can return to the land processing and put that on the same footing. To get there I’ll rebuild from scratch making some minor adjustments along the way. As we go foward the amount of code we have to write should ... [Read more...]

Map colors

August 31, 2010 | Steven Mosher

Reader P was kind enough to make us a new color map so I promptly played around with it and other parameters. Need to figure out how to drop the labels and ticks on the “map”  map.axes() is no help. In anycase, I had a day long struggle with ... [Read more...]

SST with Raster. Complete

August 29, 2010 | Steven Mosher

Update: new zip, correcting bug found by Steve  McIntyre: if(!file.exists(HadSST2ncdf)) downloadHADSST2() if(!file.exists(HadSST2ncdf)) downloadHadSST2() issue pending with another line as well. Checking raster versions. I’ve also, added some code into “downloadHadSST2″ that corrects for the “NA” problem with HadSST. (currently commented out). ... [Read more...]
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