The five-parameters logistic curve is commonly defined by
\[ f(x) = A + \frac{D-A}{\Bigl(1+\exp\bigl(B(C-x)\bigr)\Bigr)^S}.
Assuming \(B__0\) and
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Preliminaries: the (scaled) Beta prime distribution
Beta distribution of the third kind
Update 2019-09-05: generalised Beta distribution
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This is a Steiner chain with its enveloping cyclide:
And these are nested Steiner chains:
With R
We will include the cyclides in the plot. We firstly write a functi... [Read more...]
A. A. Ungar has developed the concept of gyrovector space. His
theory provides a (gyro)vector approach to hyperbolic geometry.
Ungar deeply studied three examples of gyrovector spaces; they
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Let \(\iota_0\) be the inversion with
respect to the unit circle:
\[ \iota_0(z) = \frac{1}{\bar{z}}, \quad z \neq 0. \]
Consider a
generalized circle
\(\mathcal{G}\mathcal{C}... [Read more...]
You are a R user and you have to evaluate the integral
\[ \int_{-5}^4\int_{-5}^{3-x}\int_{-10}^{6-x-y} f(x,y,z)
\,\mathrm{d}z\,\mathrm{d}y\,\mathrm{d}x \]
for a certain function \(f\). How?
... [Read more...]