Articles by Shirin's playgRound

USA/ Canada Roadtrip 2016

October 15, 2016 | Shirin's playgRound

Mapping GPS data from our USA/ Canada Roadtrip This September we went on a roadtrip to the US and Canada. Of course, we had our trusty GPS to guide us along the way - the data from which I downloaded and used to play around with. (If you want to ...
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DESeq2 Course Work

September 28, 2016 | Shirin's playgRound

The following workflow has been designed as teaching instructions for an introductory course to RNA-seq data analysis with DESeq2. The course is designed for PhD students and will be given at the University of Münster from 10th to 21st of October...
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exprAnalysis package

September 27, 2016 | Shirin's playgRound

I created the R package exprAnalysis designed to streamline my RNA-seq data analysis pipeline. Below you find the vignette for installation and usage of the package. This package combines functions from various packages used to analyze and visuali...
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