Articles by Shirin's playgRound

Moving my blog to blogdown

September 13, 2017 | Shirin's playgRound

It’s been a long time coming but I finally moved my blog from Jekyll/Bootstrap on Github pages to blogdown, Hugo and Netlify! Moreover, I also now have my own domain name :-) I followed the blogdown ebook to set up my blog. I ... [Read more...]

Data Science for Fraud Detection

September 5, 2017 | Shirin's playgRound

I have written the following post about Data Science for Fraud Detection at my company codecentric’s blog: Fraud can be defined as “the crime of getting money by deceiving people” (Cambridge Dictionary); it is as old as humanity: whenever two...
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New R Users group in Münster!

May 19, 2017 | Shirin's playgRound

This is to announce that Münster now has its very own R users group! If you are from the area, come join us (or if you happen to know someone who is and who might be interested, please forward the info). You can find us on https://...
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