Articles by shikokuchuo

Moju-kapu(モジュカプ)Modular Encapsulation

February 20, 2024 | shikokuchuo

Introduction Moju-kapu (モジュカプ) is shorthand for modular encapsulation (モジュラーカプセル化). It is a software design paradigm which emphasises the inherent balance in building effective stand-alone tools that together form entire integrated systems. It requ...
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mirai Parallel Clusters

January 28, 2024 | shikokuchuo

A surprise I came to write this post because I was surprised by its findings. The seed for it came from a somewhat obscure source: the Tokyo.R slack channel. This is actually a fairly vibrant R community. In any case, there was a post by an R user s...
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nanonext – a web toolkit

September 6, 2022 | shikokuchuo

Shikokuchuo The previous two articles have centered on the main uses which led to the creation of Nanonext - the desire to bridge code written in different languages, as well as the ability to perform actions concurrently. This article aims to highlight the additional features that have been built around ...
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nanonext for Cross-language Data Exchange

February 13, 2022 | shikokuchuo

Shikokuchuo {nanonext} is an R package available on CRAN which provides bindings to the C library NNG (Nanomsg Next Gen), a successor to ZeroMQ. Designed for performance and reliability, the NNG library is written in C and {nanonext} is a lightwe...
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Reverting Git Commits

August 10, 2021 | shikokuchuo

sha256 1 010e16069f8858640c2bb9af4a2293b720161b71d9d6e1f375c30237ea2b4123 Shikokuchuo Reverting Local Git Commits You have made a commit. You discover an error / something you left out /...
[Read more...] / lapply

May 27, 2021 | shikokuchuo

sha256 1 2074954df14cc65b017b3e9d4b291353151672d450f2b623acc2a5d253767e42 Shikokuchuo Use case The use of the / lapply combination is a powerful way to leverage functional progra...
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May 17, 2021 | shikokuchuo

sha256 1 9b787ca60956d571ad9686d55815fcff38fce9d550ccb1310c0b9c11dfa8069e Shikokuchuo An implementation in R of the Ichimoku Kinkō Hyō (一目均衡表) charting system, also commonly known as ‘cl...
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Distill for R Markdown

May 3, 2021 | shikokuchuo

sha256 1 db79682f8bee39d7ed9231200fd076ebed92a4471a9f3ce611d0a5a28bb984a3 Shikokuchuo Created using Distill This website was created using Distill for R Markdown, a web publishing format...
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Github Actions with R

May 3, 2021 | shikokuchuo

1 6f5b37d9b73dcd70f3c8b68eabbe00c4a709f2a3e694d964121af145105f1655
Shikokuchuo Github Actions with R Set up a cron job to run your R scripts at specified times. Enabled with a simple yaml configuration file. Save the following as main.yml in .github/workflows of your Github repository:
name: Raction
    - cron: '30 22 * * 1-5'
    runs-on: windows-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - name: Set up R
        uses: r-lib/actions/setup-r@v1
      - name: Install dependencies
        run: |
          install.packages(c("magrittr", "purrr"), type = "win.binary")
        shell: Rscript {0}
      - name: Script
        run: Rscript nameofscript.R
      - name: Commit files
        run: |
          git config --local github-actions
          git config --local ""
          git add output/*
          git commit -am "commit on $(date)"
          git push origin main
          REPO_KEY: ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}
          username: github-actions
This example cron job runs every Mon-Fri at 22.30. Customize your ...
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R | Selenium

May 2, 2021 | shikokuchuo

sha256 1 809e2e2a3967742faea6f9e11e0a4c533511f9710ac41812dcbcae3c78913cac Shikokuchuo Use case Whenever you need to programmatically drive a web browser. Most often: to scrape informati...
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