Articles by Shige

A quetion

June 21, 2010 | Shige

I posted a question to the R-Mixed-Model mailing list but have not had any responses yet:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Dear All,I wonder if anybody has tried to make glmmBUGS work with JAGS. Mya...
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Sweave with Emacs and ESS, problem solved!

May 9, 2010 | Shige

With help from Seb, the nagging problem I had when trying to sweaving with Emacs and ESS ( has been solved.First of all, apply the patch for ess-swv.el, provided by Seb. Second, set the default ...
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Sweave vs. pgfSweave

April 28, 2010 | Shige

I think pgfSweave should replace the default of Sweave system because it brings significant improvements over the original Sweave. I certain have made it my default Sweave tool on my system.------------------------------- EDITED ON MAY 1, 2010 --------...
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Trouble with ESS and Sweave

April 23, 2010 | Shige

Last time I tried to sweave a document from with Emacs+ESS, I was using an earlier version of ESS (the current version is 5.8), and things seemed to be fine. Today when I tried to sweave a simple document and produced PDF output, I got error message of...
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GLMM using DPpackage

April 9, 2010 | Shige

I was able to fit a semi-parametric Bayesian GLMM model using DPpackage. It took me many hours to sample from the posterior distribution (DPM prior):MCMC scan 1000 of 5000 (CPU time: 18950.080 s)MCMC scan 2000 of 5000 (CPU time: 22510.100 s)M...
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GLMM revisted

March 5, 2010 | Shige

A short while ago, I reported some discrepancies between the results produced by "lme4" and other R packages as well as Stata. Today I upgraded to the most recent version of "lme4a" and re-ran my model. The error of false convergence disappea...
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An interesting paper

February 27, 2010 | Shige

Ben Bolker has an interesting paper (outline of a paper) comparing different approaches to estimate GLMM in R environment, which is very helpful to what I am doing right now.The paper pointed out the following options to fit GLMM using R:glmerglmmMLglm...
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Generalized linear mixed effect model problem

February 16, 2010 | Shige

I am trying to compare cohort difference in infant mortality using generalized linear mixed model. I first estimated the model in Stata:xi:xtlogit inftmort i.cohort, i(code)which converged nicely:Fitting comparison model:Iteration 0:   log likelih...
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Cure model using R

February 13, 2010 | Shige

The package "nltm" seems to be able to estimate proportional hazard and proportional odds cure models. I will do some experiments and see how it goes.
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Handling hierarchical data structure in R

February 11, 2010 | Shige

R has a comprehensive set of tools for the handling of hierarchical data structure. The most widely used package is probably "nlme" and "lme4", contributed by Douglas Bates and colleagues. While "nlme" is older and probably more mature than "...
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Loglinear models using R

February 10, 2010 | Shige

For those sociologists who want to estimate complicated loglinear models (e.g. Goodman's RC model) using R, the package "VGAM" seems to be a good choice.
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December 21, 2009 | Shige

This R packages estimates Generalised Linear Mixed Models via MCMC. It provides a number of random error distributions and can be used for multivariate multilevel models (simultaneous equation model).I will do some tests and compare the results to othe...
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December 8, 2009 | Shige

I was finally able to get Sciviews (most of it) work on my Linux machine. As before, I got some error message when opening the R terminal for the first time; by ignoring the error messages and manually install several "sv" packages locally (into my hom...
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