Articles by Shige

How to use math symbols with ggdag

October 1, 2019 | Shige

The wonderful package ggdag can easily make DAG like this: However, what we really want to include in publications is something like this: The second one can include subscript and superscript, among many others. After some tweaking, I found a solution, not perfect but usable for now.-----------------------------------------------------------------library(dagitty)library(...
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How to use math symbols with ggdag

October 1, 2019 | Shige

The wonderful package ggdag can easily make DAG like this: However, what we really want to include in publications is something like this: The second one can include subscript and superscript, among many others. After some tweaking, I found a solution, not perfect but usable for now.-----------------------------------------------------------------library(dagitty)library(...
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How to use math symbols with ggdag

October 1, 2019 | Shige

The wonderful package ggdag can easily make DAG like this:However, what we really want to include in publications is something like this:The second one can include subscript and superscript, among many others. After some tweaking, I found a solution, n...
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Play with the cyphr package

March 24, 2019 | Shige

The cyphr package seems to provide a good choice for small research group that shares sensitive data over internet (e.g., DropBox). I did some simple experiment myself and made sure it can actually serve my purpose.I did my experiment on two computers (using openssl): I created the test ... [Read more...]

How to use SparkR within Rstudio?

June 14, 2015 | Shige

Setting up Spark and SparkR is quite easy (assume you are running v.1.4): just grab one of the pre-built binaries and unzip to a folder. There is also a shell script to start SparkR from command line. The document suggest to put the following linesSys.... [Read more...]


March 3, 2015 | Shige

JASP is an interesting project. It is based on R with additional facilities and functions such as automatic table generation. There appears to be an R package that provide that functions directly to R users. Very worth checking out. [Read more...]

R2MLwiN package

September 13, 2012 | Shige

The new package R2MLwiN package bridges R and MLwinN software for multilevel analysis. From the examples provided, it looks very promising. It will be great if a command line version of MLwiN can be made available under Linux so the package can be usef... [Read more...]

Some Rcpp benchmarks

January 22, 2012 | Shige

I ran the Fibonacci number example from the Rcpp package on a number of computers and operating systems. Here are the results:A. On my main computer (Core 2 Extreme 3.06GHz, 8 GB memory) running Ubuntu 10.04 (g++ 4.4.3):        test... [Read more...]


October 29, 2011 | Shige

SabreR just released an update. It is another software package that can estimate multivariate multilevel model (other options are aML, MCMCglmm, etc.). They seem to also have a book dedicated to the software, which be worth checking out.It will be grea... [Read more...]

GEE using Stata vs. R

October 4, 2011 | Shige

I am running GEE logistic regression model for my fetal loss paper. As usual, I compare results between Stata and R and make sure they are consistent. To my surprise, the models assuming independent correlation structure give similar results but the mo... [Read more...]

Ra vs. compiler package

August 28, 2011 | Shige

R seems to have two byte code compilers: the Ra add-on module (and the accompanying "jit" package) and the "compiler" package came with the default installation. I wonder how they differentiate from each other and what the strengths and weaknesses... [Read more...]
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