Articles by Selcuk Disci

Time Series Forecasting: KNN vs. ARIMA

September 29, 2020 | Selcuk Disci

It is always hard to find a proper model to forecast time series data. One of the reasons is that models that use time-series data often expose to serial correlation. In this article, we will compare k nearest neighbor (KNN) regression which is a supervised machine learning method, with a ...
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Turkey vs. Germany: COVID-19

May 31, 2020 | Selcuk Disci

In Turkey, some parts of society always compare Turkey to Germany and think that we are better than Germany for a lot of issues. The same applies to COVID-19 crisis management; is that reflects to true? We will use two variables for compared parameters; the number of daily new cases ...
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Testing the Correlation between Time Series Variables

March 17, 2020 | Selcuk Disci

In the previous article, we examined trends and seasonality in gasoline prices in Turkey. This time we will examine whether the gasoline prices are related to the variables that are thought to affect gasoline prices the most by the Turkish people. One of the variables is the Brent crude oil ...
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