Articles by Sébastien Rochette

{attachment} v0.2.3: fill the Remotes field

November 14, 2021 | Sébastien Rochette

You can read the original post in its original format on Rtask website by ThinkR here: {attachment} v0.2.3: fill the Remotes field A new version of {attachment} is available on CRAN. Get dependencies installed from GitHub, GitLab, … and add the link to the ‘Remotes’ field in the DESCRIPTION file of ... [Read more...]

{gitlabr} v2.0 is on CRAN!

August 31, 2021 | Sébastien Rochette

You can read the original post in its original format on Rtask website by ThinkR here: {gitlabr} v2.0 is on CRAN! You regularly create projects on GitLab with a common skeleton, you want to retrieve the list of GitLab issues to create a report, you are looking for batch modifications ...
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{fusen} is now available on CRAN!

August 5, 2021 | Sébastien Rochette

You can read the original post in its original format on Rtask website by ThinkR here: {fusen} is now available on CRAN! With first version of {fusen} 0.2.4 now available on CRAN, you do not have any excuses not to try it in your daily workflows. install.packages(“fusen”) Add new ...
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Modify RStudio prompt to show current git branch

October 26, 2020 | Sébastien Rochette

You can read the original post in its original format on Rtask website by ThinkR here: Modify RStudio prompt to show current git branch At the last Raddicts Paris Meetup, Romain Francois (to be followed on twitter here) made one strong impression, among others, with his RStudio console which indicates ...
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Dash with golem: The beginning

August 18, 2019 | Sébastien Rochette

{golem} has been developed to help building big Shiny application to put in production. What if {golem} could be used to build another popular interactive web application, recently made available to R programmers: Dash ? Dash, a newcomer in interactive... [Read more...]

{attachment} is on CRAN !

May 7, 2019 | Sébastien Rochette

We are pleased to announce that our package {attachment} is now available on CRAN. The goal of attachment is to help to deal with package dependencies during package development. It also gives useful tools to install or list missing packages used inside Rscripts or Rmds. Deal with dependencies during package ...
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Interact with PostGIS from R

April 28, 2019 | Sébastien Rochette

PostGIS extends capabilities of PostgreSQL database to deal with spatial data. Using PostGIS, your database supports geographic queries to be run directly in SQL. In this blog post, we will connect and interact with a PostGIS database from R, using {DBI} and {sf}. Package {sf} and PostGIS are friends Package {...
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